I read a fascinating article on #veganism that is required reading for anyone with a #vegan interest. Written by #JordiCasamitjana (author of #EthicalVegan), he states 5 core philosophical principles of veganism. They are, #Ahimsa, #Sentience, #AntiExploitation, #AntiSpeciesism, and #Vicariousness.
My favourite section:
“There are three pillars of the current system. The system is based on consumerism, which is what I call ‘greed is good’ rule. It’s a false axiom of consumerism, which says that the pursuit of happiness is best accomplished by stoking and satisfying a never-ending series of desires. It’s an axiom in our civilisation because you routinely see 3000 ads every day, and you think it’s normal. The second is the false axiom of supremacism, which is that life is a competitive game in which those who have gained an advantage may possess, enslave, and exploit animals, nature, and the disadvantaged, for their pursuit of happiness. This is what I call ‘the might is right’ rule. The third pillar is the false axiom of global hunger, because without global hunger you cannot get people to do some of these dirty jobs that no one would like to do — like slaughterhouse work, and people raising animals for food in the villages. They are not doing it because they want to do it, they’re doing it because they have to”.
He ends with a solution to this in a #VeganWorld.
We can forever dream. 🌱
#veganism #vegan #jordicasamitjana #ethicalvegan #ahimsa #sentience #antiexploitation #antispeciesism #vicariousness #veganworld #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #vegans #animalrights
So good to be #Cycling outside after a week of turbo.
But then as a #Vegan you hear a pheasant call and see the sheep and think what would the moors look like without animal farming and bird shooting? It would definitly be a better place.
You smell the slurry and wonder what is in the water on the wet roads next to the fields or the ones running next to rivers recently flooded? Shit and sewage? Should you worry about the spray thrown up in your face by cars?
A #VeganWorld is a better world.
Please join and become a member of the #VeganLandMovement to help create a #VeganWorld acre by acre & to help save species who are facing extinction.
#veganworld #veganlandmovement