Step into the vibrant streets of Las Vegas and allow yourself to be transported by the enchanting collection of beautifully captured and expertly curated moments. Experience the pulsating energy, dazzling lights, and captivating scenes that define this iconic city. Are you contemplating a visit to Las Vegas soon? 🌟🎰💃🌆🌴🌞🎲🍹🎶
#lasvegas #vegas #losangeles #nevada #lasvegasstrip #newyork #california #miami #vegasbaby #love #usa #sincity #vegasbound #vegasnightlife #photography #texas #raiders
#lasvegas #vegas #losangeles #nevada #lasvegasstrip #newyork #california #miami #vegasbaby #love #usa #sincity #vegasbound #vegasnightlife #photography #texas #raiders
There were always different "schools" and politicians choosing one to support policy. I sat down next to David Stockman at the Irish pub in Woodley Park in '82. He nodded and I said a few buzzword-y econ things about "supply-side" and "trickle down" and his eyes glazed over. I laughed in his face and went to the loo without mentioning I'd read #TheAtlantic piece: "None of us really understands what's going on with all these numbers."
I knew it was all hocus-pocus! #VegasBaby
@Priyajsridhar Seems to have. Feel like we'll have one more cold snap and then it'll be summer. #VegasBaby
Check out my latest piece on my personal blog! It’s about how to be cheap (be thrifty and save money) in #LasVegas #TheMichaelBeebe #MichaelBeebe #VivaLasVegas #Vegas #BestWestern #Strat #VegasBaby #VegasTrip #SinCity
#lasvegas #TheMichaelBeebe #MichaelBeebe #vivalasvegas #vegas #bestwestern #strat #vegasbaby #vegastrip #sincity
Gracias a todos por el apoyo y cariño durante estos días que estuve cubriendo el #CES2023 en Las Vegas. Se les quiere un montón. 😘
Necesito una cama durante tres días para recuperar energías 😨
#lasvegas #vegasbaby #ceslasvegas #cesvegas #tecnologi…
#CES2023 #lasvegas #vegasbaby #ceslasvegas #cesvegas #tecnologi
Si vienes al #CES2023, la feria de tecnología más importante del mundo, y no te tomas una foto en el arco del #CES, no viniste al CES. 🤣
#tecnologia #tecnología #ceslasvegas #vegasces #vegasces #eventos #vegaslife #vegasstrip #lvcc #vegasbaby #cta @…
#CES2023 #ces #tecnologia #ceslasvegas #vegasces #eventos #vegaslife #vegasstrip #lvcc #vegasbaby #cta
No podía faltar el video en las fuentes del hotel Bellagio en Las Vegas. 😍
#lasvegas #vegasbaby #bellagio #bellagiofountains #fuentesdeagua #hotelbellagio #ces2023 #lasvegasstrip #vegasstrip #striplasvegas #lasvegasblvd
#lasvegas #vegasbaby #bellagio #bellagiofountains #fuentesdeagua #hotelbellagio #CES2023 #lasvegasstrip #vegasstrip #striplasvegas #lasvegasblvd
Para los #gamers Samsung nos mostró en el Odyssey Ark, un monitor enorme y versátil que se puede utilizar de manera horizontal o vertical. Increíble! 😍
#samsung #samsungcolombia #neoqled #neoqled8k #lasvegas #vegasbaby #tecnologia #…
#gamers #Samsung #samsungcolombia #neoqled #neoqled8k #lasvegas #vegasbaby #tecnologia
Por acá en el #CES2023 en Las Vegas me encontré al gran, gran creador de contenido de Argentina 🇦🇷. Abrazo grande Seba! 🤗
#ces2023vegas #lasvegas #vegasbaby #tecnologia #tecnología #cesvegas2023
#CES2023 #ces2023vegas #lasvegas #vegasbaby #tecnologia #cesvegas2023
Guten Morgen Welt #vegasbaby @ Las Vegas, Nevada