Y'all excited for #VEGASPro 21?
There's only one thing I wish for VEGAS Pro 21 to have…
A macOS port of that editing software.
Very happy to say I finally figured out how to compress and limit audio decently.
Word to the wise: you can make a limiter in Vegas Pro by using the built-in Wave Hammer Surround and setting the compression ratio to infinity. Took me months to figure out :(
#vegaspro #audiomastering #videoediting
MAGIX VEGAS Pro supports nested timelines, but the functionality is limited.
MAGIX VEGAS Pro does not have tabs above the timeline to show all the nested timeline sequences.
Also, to access the nested timeline features, you either use the last three small buttons underneath the timeline toolbar or a dedicated shortcut.
The shortcuts are:
Alt+P - Parent Timeline
Alt+N - Open Nested Timeline
Alt+C - Create Nested Timeline
Finally gonna be biting down and learning DaVinci Resolve in favor of Vegas Pro. Vegas has been such a mess these past few years when it comes to video editing that I can't fuckin' take it anymore.
#davinciresolve #vegaspro #videoediting
Alright Gamers I have 11 years of my Youtube videos encoded in MANY different codecs over the years.
Is there any kind of tool that can go over these and see which can be improved by re-encoding, beyond just handbraking 3000 videos and seeing which are smaller?
#videoediting #youtube #video #vegaspro #handbrake
I had every intention of streaming tonight, but I've had such a terrible headache all day. Gonna practice some #VideoEditing with #DavinciResolve instead. I've always used #VegasPro and I'm pretty good with it, IMO, but DR is just TOO GOOD from everything I already know.
#videoediting #davinciresolve #vegaspro