At last, we’re getting green beans!!! They’re delicious! 😋
#CommunityGarden #growyourown #vegetables #plantbased
The lovely Westland Museum. Another gem. It documents the changing face of small-scale commercial horticulture in the west of the Netherlands, and has a beautiful vegetable and fruit garden with traditional lean-to glass houses, small orchard, beehive and wind-driven water pump. Produce was transported to market on barges along the waterways, before road transport took over. #gardening #horticulture #vegetables
#vegetables #horticulture #gardening
Prescriptions for #freshfruits and #vegetables help boost #hearthealth
#freshfruits #vegetables #hearthealth
Cabbage art print. The inspiration for this piece came from a cabbage patch at Longwood Gardens. They have a small section where they plant garden vegetables for people to observe gardening in action. I fell in love with the sage green and purple leaves of the plants.
#mastodonart #mastoart #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #photography #digitalart #vegetables #food #art #artwork #nature #fediart #fedigiftshop #fediverse #artbooster #gardening
#mastodonart #mastoart #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #photography #digitalart #vegetables #food #art #artwork #nature #fediart #fedigiftshop #fediverse #artbooster #gardening
Tomatoes in the produce competition, Blue Hill Fair, Maine.
#tomatoes #bluehill #fair #maine #gardening #vegetables
The eggplant has produced! Six! Six eggplants! [ah, ah, ah] I thought there were three, but the small plant on the other side was sneaky.
I don’t even like eggplant, but I feel like they are the best vegetables in the whole world today.
Great weather yesterday for the Berrisdale Allotments Annual Open Day -- and amazing sights and smells! Beautiful blooms, and delicious looking vegetables whose size suggested genetic modification (spoiler: they weren't!). An excellent afternoon. Read about the #Berrisdale Allotments here: #gardening #gardens #vegetables #flowers #plants #Glasgow #Cathcart
#berrisdale #gardening #gardens #vegetables #flowers #plants #glasgow #cathcart
In case you’re wondering whether we get to harvest anything from the bunny (and rodent) present community garden plot… we got these veggies that day!
#communityGarden #GrowYourOwn #humaneGarden #harvest #vegetables
#CommunityGarden #growyourown #humanegarden #harvest #vegetables
One of the specialties from the garden.
Due to the hot summer, the P20 Blue tomatoes have an extremely high proportion of dark blue-black (high anthocyanin content) and sugar.
#vegetables #growyourown #gardening #garden #tomatoes
Danke für die vielen Antworten! Keine Sorge, die Gurken werden nicht gegessen. Das ist bei dem Geschmack zum Glück sowieso komplett unmöglich 🤮
Ich hab auf nachgelesen, dass der Stoff insektizid und fungizid ist. Jetzt stelle ich mir etwas wie getrocknete Gurkenscheiben gegen Motten im Kleiderkasten vor. :masto_silly: Wir haben zum Glück aber keine Motten (?), also könnte ich die Wirksamkeit nicht testen.
Anscheinend ist das Bitterwerden eine Reaktion auf Stress, hier vermutlich auf die Hitzewelle Mitte August. Die Gurken davor auf denselben Pflanzen waren alle genießbar (nur die letzten Millimeter beim Stiel ein bisschen bitter, das essen wir halt nicht). Es wachsen jetzt wieder Gurken, unter hoffentlich viel besseren Bedingungen. Ich bin gespannt, wie die schmecken werden. Laut Wikipedia stellt ja die ganze Pflanze auf "Bittermodus" um, nicht nur die Früchte.
#gurken #gurke #bitter #ernte #gemuse #garten #gartnern #gardening #cucumber #vegetables #Cucurbitacine
#gurken #gurke #bitter #ernte #gemuse #garten #gartnern #gardening #cucumber #vegetables #Cucurbitacine
Heute bei der Bohnenkönigin.
#garten #garden #gardening #vegetables #ernte #harvest
10 #Vegetables to eat if you're on a #lowcarbdiet
#vegetables #lowcarbdiet #superfoods
Out in the garden under blue skies. #Tomatoes #Courgettes amongst the #Borage. #Cottage #Garden #Vegetables #Nottinghamshire #September
#september #nottinghamshire #vegetables #garden #cottage #borage #courgettes #tomatoes