the pak choi i managed to keep going over winter by hauling planters inside and back out depending on weather conditions... are starting to bolt
sobs quietly in the seedling trays
#Gardening #VegGardening
I have finalised my seed orders for this spring. One year I may be wise and careful and formulate a plan based on what I have room to grow but that is not this year.
#Gardening #VegGardening #WhereAmIGoingToPlantItAll
#gardening #veggardening #whereamigoingtoplantitall
me: succession sowing is good! plant half of each wee seed tray (12 cells) with one kind and half with another and you'll have twice the variety! then half & half again for later.
also me: puts twice as many seeds in each cell instead because brain.
#gardening #VegGardening
Something started growing in my compost bin this summer and the wet and mild weather has caused it to grow a lot recently. I’m wondering if it’s a butternut squash but I doubt it will ripen.
#gardening #veggardening #selfsownseeds #compostbin