Ricardo et Barbet parlant ensemble des tableaux des grands maîtres, c’est génial ! Mais à un moment ils s’interrogent sans avoir de réponse : qu’ont pu se dire #InnocentX et #Vélasquez ? Il y a une annecdote rapportée (est-elle authentique ?) qu’ils ne semblent pas connaître. Contemplant le portrait achevé, le pape se serait exclamé : « Troppo vero! ». Ce tableau est au Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, à Rome. Quel bonheur de la contempler ! #Bacon n’a jamais voulu le voir : il en avait peur. @fxthuaud
Classic art is good.
Classic art with unicorns and pegasus is better!
#art #classicart #painting #krita #artrage #digitalart #unicorn #pegasus #spanishart #velasquez #oilpainting
#art #classicart #painting #krita #artrage #digitalart #unicorn #pegasus #spanishart #velasquez #oilpainting
RT @Leust_in_Trans
Ménines Black
#jeudemots #jeudemotpourri #RetirezMoiPhotoshop #photoshopedit #HumourDeMerde #calembour #montage #absurde #BadPun #detournement #mib #meninblack #velasquez
@MenInBlack @museodelprado
#detournement #retirezmoiphotoshop #photoshopedit #humourdemerde #calembour #jeudemots #jeudemotpourri #montage #absurde #badpun #mib #meninblack #velasquez
"History must restore what slavery took away"
- Arturo Schomburg, 1925, writing about 17th C Afro-Hispanic artist Juan de Pareja
No paywall, I am gifting this impressive article about the new show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that is a good dive into history and culture.
#art #arthistory #juandepareja #velasquez #metmuseum
Theresa Velasquez identified as the voice heard in the rubble of the Surfside condo collapse - CNN #theresa #velasquez #identified #voice #heard #rubble #surfside #condo #collapse #22maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS8yMDIyLzA1LzIyL3VzL3N1cmZzaWRlLWNvbGxhcHNlLXZvaWNlLXRoZXJlc2EtdmVsYXNxdWV6L2luZGV4Lmh0bWw=
#22Maggio #collapse #condo #surfside #rubble #heard #voice #identified #velasquez #theresa