"would have persisted, but deleting a namespace deletes everything it contains.
Didn’t you have backups?
Yes and also apparently no. We use #Velero to capture backups of our cluster every 6 hours. From what I had seen our backups had been running successfully. I discovered once the incident started that backups had captured everything but the Persistent Volume Claim data. "
Вже довгий час використовую #Velero для створення резервних копій маніфестів #kubernetes
Ще жодного раза не доводилось скористатися бакапами, бо майже усе, що створюється у кластері йде з #helm чартів, які під #git
Тоді постає питання - чи взагалі потрібен той Velero?
#velero #kubernetes #helm #git
@Rhoseigh mainly home lab stuff and some self-written apps:
#MariaDB Galera
#Mosquitto mqtt
#Velero Cluster Backup
#Wireguard VPN
working on a blog posts with learnings and tips for getting these up and running….
#adguardhome #docker #gitea #homeassistant #hugo #mariadb #minio #mosquitto #portainer #trafefik #vaultwarden #velero #wireguard
i’ve been using #velero to back up my #k8s resources, including volumes created via #rook #ceph
... but i just realized that it’s only backing up the rbd- and cephfs-backed data (since those are provisioned with `PersistentVolumeClaim`s) and not rgw-backed data (since those are provisioned with `ObjectBucketClaim`s)
and it looks like this isn’t something velero supports... https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/issues/5801
so, what’s the best way to back up an rgw pool?
I finally finished "blogifying" the (painful) lessons I learned deploying #Velero on a hardened #kubernetes cluster! https://geek-cookbook.funkypenguin.co.nz/blog/2023/02/03/using-velero-in-hardened-kubernetes-with-istio/
What does everyone use for #backups these days? At the moment I am using: 1) for my #Macs: #TimeMachine for local backups to two different drives; #Arq to two offsite destinations (#idrive e2 and #backblaze b2); 2) "normal" servers: #restic to both iDrive e2 and Backblaze B2; 3) #kubernetes: #velero and #kasten. What about you?
#backups #macs #TimeMachine #arq #idrive #backblaze #restic #kubernetes #velero #kasten
With Velero you can backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes.
#velero #Kubernetes #backup #infra #tools #automation #DisasterRecovery
#velero #kubernetes #backup #infra #tools #automation #disasterrecovery
I really need to get on with writing some #Terraform to spiin up #Redis and #Memcache in Google #Cloud for work. I also really need to fix the permissions on my #Velero backups for my Mastodon cluster. But what I'm more fixated on is why this bloody smart light can't speak to the wifi!
#terraform #redis #memcache #cloud #velero
@selea Agreed. This is why you use #pipelines / #gitops / #fluxcd or anything. As long as it's automated.
Storage is backed up using something like #velero and restored to the new cluster.
#kubernetes #velero #fluxcd #gitops #pipelines
Velero: Programar copias de seguridad en Kubernetes #sysadmin #cron #crontab #k3s #kubernetes #linux #minio #unix #velero https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/10/06/velero-programar-copias-de-seguridad-en-kubernetes/
#sysadmin #cron #crontab #k3s #kubernetes #linux #minio #unix #velero
Velero: Programar copias de seguridad en Kubernetes #sysadmin #cron #crontab #k3s #kubernetes #linux #minio #unix #velero https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/10/06/velero-programar-copias-de-seguridad-en-kubernetes/
#sysadmin #cron #crontab #k3s #kubernetes #linux #minio #unix #velero
Velero: Copias de seguridad en Kubernetes #sysadmin #amazon_s3 #aws #clouding.io #contenedores #docker #k3 #kubernetes #minio #s3 #velero https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/09/30/velero-copias-de-seguridad-en-kubernetes/
#sysadmin #amazon_s3 #aws #clouding #contenedores #docker #k3 #kubernetes #minio #s3 #velero
Velero: Copias de seguridad en Kubernetes #sysadmin #amazon_s3 #aws #clouding.io #contenedores #docker #k3 #kubernetes #minio #s3 #velero https://www.ochobitshacenunbyte.com/2022/09/30/velero-copias-de-seguridad-en-kubernetes/
#sysadmin #amazon_s3 #aws #clouding #contenedores #docker #k3 #kubernetes #minio #s3 #velero
As vela: Esta semana se pone en juego el título de campeón del mundo de 2022 y en el que competirán tres clases de monotipos: ClubSwan 36, ClubSwan 42 y ClubSwan 50.: https://as.com/masdeporte/valencia-acoge-el-mundial-de-swan-n/ #sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
#sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
Mundo deportivo (vela): El bote de Vela Latina ‘Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’ navega en Cádiz: https://www.mundodeportivo.com/canarias/20220718/1001838541/bote-vela-latina-palmas-gran-canaria-navega-cadiz.html #sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
#sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
As vela: Kenichi Horie se convierte en la persona más longeva en cruzar el océano Pacífico en solitario y sin escalas después de más de dos meses de navegación.: https://as.com/diarioas/2022/06/05/actualidad/1654430556_224321.html #sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
#sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
Mundo deportivo (vela): Iago López Marra, olímpico en Río y Tokio, renuncia a París 2024: https://www.mundodeportivo.com/vela/20220622/1001826243/corunes-iago-lopez-marra-olimpico-rio-tokio-renuncia-paris-2024.html #sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
#sailing #sailnews #sail #news #es #vela #velero
- fixed #wordpress data backup with #velero
- resized #k3s vm to relieve disk pressure
- #postgresql and #mysql dump backup to #backblaze working
- fixed mysql service issues with #Istio
#wordpress #velero #k3s #postgresql #mysql #Backblaze #Istio #homelab #kubernetes #k8s
RT @zwindler_rflx@twitter.com
Sauvegarder son #Kubernetes avec @VMwareTanzu@twitter.com #Velero (ex @Heptio@twitter.com #Ark) https://blog.zwindler.fr/2021/08/02/__trashed-2/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/zwindler_rflx/status/1422078528447819779