so i imported some voxel art of a deer from the #veloren gitlab page into blender, now i need to do some deer hunting to make sure i have the limbs positioned right.
Nur noch wenige Minuten, dann geht es los: Die #LinuxLounge ist LIVE auf https.// (um 17 Uhr).
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π§ π Euskaraz joka daitekeen kode irekiko Veloren|ek hazten jarraitzen du.
Azken eguneraketak dozenaka berritasun gehitu dizkio RPG abenturari.
#bideojokoak #veloren #euskara
Veloren graphics is amazing, and the ability to zoom out to almost any scale makes it even better. Change my mind.
Kinda itchy to play some more Veloren with the kids and wife.
So, ignoring some hiccups (choppy perf on older MSI linux laptop, windows laptop network touchiness), the Veloren selfhosted experiment went pretty well.
Basically, spent the entire Sunday afternoon running around the World with the kids and partner.
Crafting the first stone pick axe was quite the group achievement.
The youngest is already scheming for the next session.
I got #veloren playing on a free lenovo thinkcentre 310s at right below 60 fps with minor tweaks to the minimal graphics settings
of course there is a thunderstorm as soon as i try to have a break here xD #veloren
@theklan adin horrekin #TuxPaint eta #GStreamer gustatuko zaio (libreak eta euskaraz), gure alabari behintzat bai.
#Minetest eta #Minecraft pixka bat odoltsuak izan daitezke adin horretarako. Gure semeak "modo creativo" nahiago "supervivencia" baino, etxeak eraikitzera eta abar dedikatzeko. Horiek euskaraz gutxi.
#Veloren ere 3D abentura bat da (librea eta euskaraz). Borroka batzuk bilatu ditzakezu baina batez ere mundu hori esploratzen duzu. Paisaia ederrak! Gure semeak biziki gustuko du.
#tuxpaint #gstreamer #minetest #minecraft #veloren
Have you ever tried playing Veloren?
Not only is it a free #opensource game written in #rust, that runs on #Linux, Mac and Windows, but works with #ipv6!
That means if you have ipv6 you can easily host a server. No port forwarding or NAT shenanigans.
#opensource #rust #linux #ipv6 #linuxgaming #veloren
I have a Tuxedo Pulse 15 Gen 1 - I am not sure whether this device is good enough to play @veloren ... so far I have 1 frame per second. Maybe it is my setup, which I hope, because I would really love to play.
Does someone have any pointers?
#veloren #gamingonlinux #linux #nixos #followerpower
#followerpower #nixos #linux #gamingonlinux #veloren
They're also here on the #fediverse by the way @veloren although I'm still sad that they didn't announce the release party more than 24 hours beforehand. I learned about it 4 hours after it happened. π₯
I love #Veloren, and am really looking forward to when they introduce the elementals as a higher level challenge than the level 5 bosses (level 6?)