Guter Monat, gutes Jahr
#Monatsabschluss, #Statistik, #strava, #veloviewer, #nerd, #nerdig, #race24,
#Monatsabschluss #statistik #strava #veloviewer #nerd #Nerdig #race24
Mittlerweile ist es vollbracht
#strava, #veloviewer, #segmente, #wheel,
#strava #veloviewer #segmente #wheel
#Servicetröt Deeplink #Veloviewer All-Time MaxSquare Leaderboard
#servicetrot #veloviewer #rideeverytile
I’m currently obsessing over #VeloViewer / #RideEveryTile and #100climbs , do I also need #WandererEarth in the mix?
#veloviewer #rideeverytile #100climbs #WandererEarth
As there is still too much snow on the mountains > 2500 meter, I still need to wait 1-2 weeks.
Chose to go "exploring" to increase my Veloviewer MaxSquare from 15x15 to 17x17. Needed to collect tiles in a lower area, which was perfect for the pre-season.
The first half of the hike was very entertaining, afterwards there was a section which was boring (basically walking on a road). The last part however was very beautiful again.
As always with exploring, sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. This one was definitely worth it.
#veloviewer #tiling #exploring #hiking #weeklyhikingpicture
@Demon10 @fedibikes Bis auf die Segment-Statistiken funktioniert #VeloViewer auch mit dem Free-Account von Strava. Jedenfalls ist das mein letzter Wissenstand.
Schöne 🚲-Tour in der Nähe der A1 bei Liblar, Köttingen und Berrenrath (da fehlten mir noch #VeloViewer-Kacheln) #Radfahren
Ein wenig Land unter gerade
#kilometer, #Statistik, #strava, #veloviewer
#kilometer #statistik #strava #veloviewer
#VeloViewer ist eine App, die auf #Strava aufbaut und von dort die Daten holt. Ich möchte aus dem 20x20-Quadrat (blau umrandet) ein 21x21 machen. Sollte jetzt mit 3 Touren (grün umrandet) zu machen sein.
Gestern 52 km geradelt (längste Tour seit Oktober) und mir nördlich von Langenzenn drei noch nicht befahrene #VeloViewer-Kacheln geholt. 🚴♂️
Today it was a nice day to "work" on my max square. Currently I have a 15x15 square, but could expand to 17x17 to two cleverly designed hikes. The exploring is basically a way to go where you have not gone before.
As the snow has retreated a bit, I could go for hike #1: from Blumenstein to Alp Oberwirtneren. In the valley it was way too warm, but higher up in the leftover snow it luckily cooled down a bit. The snow was very wet and more than once I was thigh deep in.
Sometimes the exploring brings you to places not so special. Today I was nicely surprised (8/10).
@dbrgn made a picture of a paraglider for you 😜
#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #veloviewer #exploring #tiling #maxsquare
#hiking #weeklyhikingpicture #veloviewer #exploring #tiling #maxsquare
Hi Derek,
I just saw this post today, via your #WaterfallWednesday post from today (nice!). Regarding our #VeloViewer stats: I find it interesting to compare our 2022: I did about 1/2 as many km as you, but with about the same amount of elevation gain. Is probably due to our country of the #Alps. 😅 Attached also my 2021. I wish you continued accident-free rides and have fun!
Greetings & a „ride on!“ from #Switzerland 🇨🇭 to 🇨🇦
#waterfallwednesday #veloviewer #alps #switzerland #cycling #BikeTooter #yearinsport #sport
I've left home 🚴🏻♀️ four times with the intention of grabbing this #Veloviewer square. Failed three times:
🌧️ Decided it was too rainy.
⤴️Took a wrong turning and couldn't be bothered to reroute.
🔐Forgot my bike lock rendering a nice refuelling stop impossible.
Today I got there though I didn't realise that I had turned back earlier than I intended. Got home and thought I had probably missed it but it turns out that I just about managed to nab it. Hurray! 🥳
Das war mein Januar.....
#strava #veloviewer #coros #corosvertix
#strava #veloviewer #coros #corosvertix
Damn and blast! Would have got my square up to 20x20 from 17x17, for the want of a few metres. AGHHHH #veloviewer #tilebagging