les nouvelles news
Mostra de Venise 2023, festival anti-MeToo
#Venise #cinema #Metoo
On a très bien compris ce que vous faisiez, faut pas nous prendre pour des pigeons !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #kanyewest #venise #italie #biancacensori #fellation
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #kanyewest #venise #italie #biancacensori #fellation
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #philippegarrel #harcèlement #mostra #venise
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #philippegarrel #harcelement #mostra #venise
franceinfo #greve à #hollywood cinéastes polémiques... La #Mostra du cinéma de #Venise qui ouvre mercredi est chamboulée https://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/cinema/greve-a-hollywood-cineastes-polemiques-la-mostra-du-cinema-de-venise-qui-ouvre-mercredi-est-chamboulee_6028253.html
#venise #mostra #hollywood #greve
"Explore the Authentic Venice" is my @Flipboard magazine dedicated to unveiling the true essence of this captivating city. If you're considering a visit to the Serenissima, be sure to check it out for valuable information and inspiring insights.
#Venice #venise #venedig #discover #slowtravel #photography
#venice #venise #venedig #discover #slowtravel #photography
The best seat available!
check my photography workshops and masterclasses in my link
#venice #photography #workshop #streetphotography #venise #venedig
#venice #photography #workshop #streetphotography #venise #venedig
On a call.
A Gondolier rests beside his gondola along a calm canal with lovely reflections in Venice.
Check my Monochrome Masterclass in Venice...link in Bio!
#venice #venedig #venise #photography #blackandwhite #masterclass
#venice #venedig #venise #photography #blackandwhite #masterclass
Capturing the Essence of Venice: My Bespoke Photography Workshops and Masterclass
#photography #masterclass #leica #venice #venise #venedig
The Importance of Photography Workshops: Developing and Improving Your Skills
#photography #workshop #masterclass #venice #venise #venedig
#photography #workshop #masterclass #venice #venise #venedig
Capturing the Essence of Venice: My Bespoke Photography Workshops and Masterclass
#venice #venise #venedig #photography #workshop #masterclass #bespoke
#venice #venise #venedig #photography #workshop #masterclass #bespoke
Amazingly quiet corners seen early morning in venice during my twilight and sunrise photography workshop.
Check msecchi.com
#venice #venedig #photography #workshop #venise
#venice #venedig #photography #workshop #venise
My favourite view of the Bridge of Sighs is from this side and with San Giorgio Maggiore as a backdrop.
#venise #venice #photography #workshop
#venise #venice #photography #workshop
Pour accompagner @daieuxetdailleurs : la lagune et l'aéroport de #Venise vus depuis le clocher de l'église de Torcello.
#museumweek2023 #environnementmw #venise #photographie #vacances #journeemondialedelenvironnement
Driving back to Venice tomorrow by Motorhome for a three days of 5h Twilight and Sunrise Workshops and a Monochrome 9h full Immersion...... bring it on....... :-) .
Rain or Shine we will take a tons of great pictures!
Check my Bespoke workshops in Venice, Ljubljana, Milan and more at msecchi.com
#venice #photography #workshop #venise #venedig
#venice #photography #workshop #venise #venedig
Les canaux de Venise ont viré au vert fluo ! D’où vient cette étrange couleur ?
L’eau des canaux de Venise a viré au vert fluo ce dimanche 28 mai. Les habitants et autorités ont d’abord cru à la propagation d’une algue, puis à une pollution.???????? ???? L’eau des canaux de #Venise est devenue verteDans la matinée, le Grand Canal de la ville s’est soudainement rempli…
› https://www.futura-sciences.com/planete/breves/pollution-aquatique-canaux-venise-ont-vire-vert-fluo-vient-cette-etrange-couleur-8207/#xtor%3DRSS-8 via @feedbot
Improve your photography skills while discovering the many aspects of the Lenice Lagoon with one of my Photography Workshops.
Check at msecchi.com or click on my profile.
#venice #venise #venedig #lagoon #photography #workshop #leica #bespoke #exclusive #luxury #luxurylifestyle #private #learn
#venice #venise #venedig #lagoon #photography #workshop #leica #bespoke #exclusive #luxury #luxurylifestyle #private #learn
RT @antichitaghetto
Looking for some bright spots in the dark clouds ⛅️
#venise #venecia #venedig #venetië #veneza #ונציה #베네치아 #ヴェネツィア #威尼斯 #veneziaperimmagini #veneziadavivere #veneziacityitaly #veneziaautentica #streetphotography
#StreetPhotography #veneziaautentica #veneziacityitaly #veneziadavivere #veneziaperimmagini #威尼斯 #ヴェネツィア #베네치아 #ונציה #veneza #venetie #venedig #venecia #venise