I just tried out #ventoy to create a single USB boot drive to rule them all. I can now plop any ISO on the drive and it'll show up in the boot list and allow me to boot into it. Really, quite a slick experience.
What's the best #Linux #distro? The answer is as good as Schroedinger's cat: There is none. Install #Ventoy on your USB Drive, put every distro ISO you're interested in and find out for yourself!
Get it here: https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html
Learn how to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K64sT0pQc-0
Discover distros: https://distrowatch.com/
#linux #distro #ventoy #linuxtips #opensource
#Ventoy ist bei mir auf einer SSD im Einsatz und enthällt neben ISOs von Live Systemen auch einige Installationsmedien (Windows & Linux) sowie ein Windows PE Rettungssystem. Ein sehr wertvolles Werkzeug für mich. Nur einmalige Installationen bekommen noch einen eigenen USB Stick. Das neue PXE Feature habe ich noch nicht ausprobiert.
Ich kopiere .iso-Dateien von einem #Ventoy #USB-Stick auf eine "#Micron 2450 NVMe" und verwende dazu einen #Dell #Optiplex 7090 PC mit Windows 11 - also keine "alte "Hardware.
Im Taskmanager: der USB-Stick liefert ein paar Sekunden lang Daten mit 300 MB/s und macht dann Pause. Die NVMe schreibt kurz Daten mit 300 MB/S, die Rate sinkt dann aber auf ~80 MB/s. Die NVMe ist damit für ~20 Sekunden zu 100% ausgelastet
Die #NVMe ist also langsamer als eine #Blechplatte!!!
#blechplatte #nvme #optiplex #dell #micron #usb #ventoy
So far so good :steamdeck: #fingerscrossed only my photo taking skills suck 😆
Currently this setup is running from a #ugreen branded #usb3 PD pass-through hub, which I got for #macbook back then, and a nvme enclosure for the new ssd. I'm also using #ventoy + #clonezilla as a disk cloning OS. ıt benefits from #partclone .
People have been running the #dd command directly through #SteamDeck #steamOS desktop mode while it's running, which I'd rather not.
#fingerscrossed #ugreen #usb3 #macbook #ventoy #clonezilla #partclone #dd #steamdeck #steamos
#Ventoy: La revolució de les unitats USB d’arrancada https://edutictac.noho.st/blog/sasogu/2023/03/23/ventoy-la-revolucio-de-les-unitats-usb-darrancada/
Adventure updates
The only issue so far in #Debian is that the fingerprint sensor I have does not work but I've read in the #Arch wiki that it runs the particular model I have well there to I'm jumping there to check it out and since I'm checking various distros I've installed #Ventoy !
I don't want to swap this for another device because I've lucked out with what seems like a near-mint build
Qap'la! #Ventoy installed on my Two Large SSDs. They boot. They live! I'm so happy I'm not even installing #NixOS, #VoidLinux, & #BlendOS on them yet, preferring to bask in their reflected glory.
#ventoy #nixos #voidlinux #blendos
#Ventoy 1.0.88 just got released
Changelog, server seems busy right-now.
Only guix installer I have is the one @daviwil made for nonfree drivers, which is fortunate because my laptop needs nonfree drivers.
What's not fortunate: I have all my ISOs on a single flash drive (#ventoy), and it's the only flash drive I have. The guix installer keeps failing with "/dev/sda is already in use" which makes no sense since I'm installing onto /dev/nvme0n1...
#Ventoy 1.0.86 released
The new version allows you to bypass online account checks in e.g. Windows Home versions.
نسخة جديدة من برنامج #فينتوي الثوري في عالم تهيئة مفتاح الذاكرة الخارجي #usb
هذا شرح للبرنامج على قناة #gnutux
رابط موقع البرنامج:
#gnutux #linux #foss #gnu #لينكس
#ventoy #فينتوي #usb #gnutux #linux #foss #gnu #لينكس
#Ventoy sí que sap fer la feina!
Instal·lant #Windows 10 ara mateix 😃
#ventoy #windows #PCNouPerPeces