I've never seen #AdventureTime, but always been curious, and the #Apple has all (?) 152 episodes* of the show on sale for $10, so said screw it and bought them.
They also did this recently with the full run of #VentureBros which I also picked up.
* I guess there are like 300 some episodes, but on iTunes, the two that run together are combined into one.
#cartoonnetwork #venturebros #Apple #adventuretime
Just rewatched #VentureBros #radiantisthebloodofthebabboonheart for the second time of viewing... And man was it good. I mean seriously, thank God after 5 years the movie came out and was able to deliver. It makes me so fucking sad the show might really not have a future, because its so clear the team has so much more to give still. The writing has not declined and the movie on top of wrapping things up is able to offer more lore and its just amazingly well crafted and executed. Go Team Venture!
#radiantisthebloodofthebabboonheart #venturebros
Jay's Thoughts on The #venturebros Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart ✌️ #adultswim
The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart movie made me happy.
All of you should buy it and then tell all your friends and family to buy it and then we might be able to get more Venture Brothers, my favorite show.
Here’s a bunch of places you can buy it. If you need season recaps, check YouTube. #VentureBros
I'm LIVE on YouTube reviewing TMNT, Venture Bros Movie, They Cloned Tyrone, and Smoking Causes Coughing. Stop on by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQkiaBAgrXI #Films #Reviews #TMNT #VentureBros
#venturebros #tmnt #reviews #films
The Venture Bros. Show Series Finale: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart #venturebros
The #VentureBros finale was amazing but now I'm broken knowing there may truly never be more...
I got my Blu-Ray of the Venture Brothers movie today, so of course I watched it immediately. Very funny and good story and man, oh man, do I wish there was more of this show! The movie is good and does serve as a good ending to the whole thing, but I desperately wish there will be more
#venturebros #radiantisthebloodofthebaboonheart
Finally got round to watching the #venturebros finale / movie. What a freaking ride. If it really is the end, it couldn't be a more fitting conclusion
Go team venture 😭
Got to see the #VentureBros movie last night and I am not ok. It was as consistently amazing as the series has always been. Even if the hints of the story being a full season are there, it was still done spectacularly well. Now in denial that this is the end because it really just felt like a new chapter starting. Go Team Venture!
Sheila walks in front of Debbie's "crazy wall", so I pasted the left half from one frame and the right half from another:
Really loved the movie. It ended on a note that captured the series perfectly.
It had just enough fan nods (e.g., Brrrrrrick Frog!) without going overboard and getting in the way of telling a great story.
Also, I've been watching this show since season 2 and I'm fucking embarrassed that I just now noticed that "Monarch" has the word "arch" in it.
Everyone watching #Barbenheimer but I’m sitting here watching the #VentureBros and loving every second of it.
Go Team Venture!
OMFG #VentureBros #RadiantIsTheBloodOfTheBaboobHeart was an incredible send off. They stuck the landing so insanely well. I'm now incredibly bummed that this series is officially, finally over after 20 years. One of the best shows of all time. One last time: #GoTeamVenture!
#venturebros #radiantisthebloodofthebaboobheart #goteamventure
A bittersweet Happy New #VentureBros Day to all who celebrate #RadiantIsTheBloodOfTheBaboonHeart
#venturebros #radiantisthebloodofthebaboonheart
Just finished watching The Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart... so god dammed good.
It's a great send-off for a show that didn't deserve to get canceled. I was smiling the whole time. 🥲
Go Team Venture! ✌️
I never noticed before: The license plate on Jefferson Twilight's hearse reads BLD VSSL. 🤣