- #pyenv, the #Python fast version switcher. Or make #venv targeting specific versions. Great tutorial
Hoy les comparto el artículo que publicamos ayer en @juncotic!
@AndreaCNavarroM habla de cómo usar entornos virtuales en #Python con #venv... útil para mantener paquetes con diferentes versiones para apps que corran en entornos virtuales distintos.
Espero que les sea útil!
RT @juncotic
¡Nuevo post en el blog!
Hoy sobre #Python 😄
Veremos cómo crear entornos virtuales en Python usando el módulo #venv, y aprenderemos a instalar libr…
I got Columbo'd.
I'm converting from #python 2 to 3. Over a couple weeks go the whooole thing done and only had to install a couple OS packages and recreate my #venv with newer versions of the existing packages.
Then it turned out there was another tiny GUI I forgot about. I'm on day 4 of working on that single piece and have already installed 6 more OS packages and 2 more python ones.
There's also a triumvirate of bugs that together have forced me to do something mildly illegal.
@steffo Step 2 should be #venv and editable installs. Welcome to #packaging
Voor een proof-of-concept voor een Airbase is een collega met #python begonnen.
Vandaag samen met hem weer veel dingen geleerd die je eigenlijk helemaal niet wilt weten.
We gooide bijna de handoek in de ring door een cocktail van een #venv en een #proxy met eigen certificaatjes. Nu toch feest. 🥳
Twitter 「VSCodeにPython開発環境を作る方法」の
#Python #venv #autopep8 #flake8
#vscode #エンジニアと繋がりたい #駆け出しエンジニアと繋がりたい #flake8 #autopep8 #venv #python
Any #python folks using ? I’m used to working inside the #venv after activating a virtual environment. Am I missing something?
@hozy I found it weird too, because #virtualevnv it's an external package and #venv is module of the #python :python: standard library, so, as you did, I've choose other and I wrote #venv in the text input. 😅
Mal eine Frage an die Python Coder im Fediverse.
Welchen Vorteil bringt es mir wenn ich venv nutze anstatt das dich die Module direkt auf der Maschine (Pi) installiere.
So richtig hab ich das noch nicht verinnerlicht.
How to find a virtual environment without installing any packages:
`sudo find / -name "*activate" -type f`
This will look in the entire system structure and will look for the `activate` file.
That #Python #virtualenv / #venv and various other similar hacks have got to be some of the most outrageously incompetent developments I've seen in the software scene in the last couple of centuries.
The fact that there are like half a dozen different tools trying to coerce the wretched thing to get around python's atrocious design is in itself telling of how rubbish Python is.
It is indeed the ultimate example of the "million flies can't be wrong" argument.
Geht es euch auch so?
#Python und Virtuelle Umgebung (#VENV) - super nützlich.
Aber beim Umstieg von #Python2 zu #Python3 wechselt man das Tool: Was vorher virtualenv hiess, heisst jetzt venv. Und die Syntax und magischen Handbewegungen sind ganz anders (argh).
Damit ich das nicht mehr durcheinander bringe, habe ich es mir aufgeschrieben:
(Kleiner Bonbon: wie man python-scripts mit VENV in cron-jobs aufruft)
#python #venv #python2 #python3
[Dev] Goodbye Virtual Environments? (en)
PEP 582 propose une autre manière d'installer et d'isoler des paquets python, en se passant des environnements virtuels #python #venv #pep582 #dev