Johannes M. ✅ · @dr_jo_mue
390 followers · 3157 posts · Server
Genußradler · @Monty
62 followers · 342 posts · Server

Wenn ich mir den "Schlaf" aus den Augen reibe, gilt das dann schon als ?


Last updated 1 year ago

Susanne Rücker · @susanne_ruecker
128 followers · 647 posts · Server

RT @nedo04
Rechtfertigt ein „wir haben‘s auch aushalten müssen“ wirklich immer alles? Manchmal kann ich‘s nicht mehr hören

#vergangenheitsbewaltigung #familiengeschichten #generationenkonflikte

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
34 followers · 1280 posts · Server

re: nations being unsalvagable

@toomas_ilves @glynmoody

Walter, but you can't impose (the "struggle of overcoming the past" in post-Nazi Germany; kind of ) upon mentally infertile population from outside by simply asking "pretty please?".

And despite paranoia / propaganda, *no-one* is willing to "go in and make them".

For centuries the crime (of colonialist ) paid off royally; the thug, military brass and ruler classes profited, but even the serf masses felt they weren't the *worst-off" people in the empire — the colonized "minorities" were.

The will to embrace civilization must come from inside, but for that to even be possible, must return its loot: the colonies to the native colonial subjects and other violently stolen territories. Otherwise it'll be once again "fuck this eternal cesspool, let's go and steal from neighbours who have plumbing and indoor toilets and everything...!"

OTOH was shocking exactly because it arose and took hold within a population with deep roots to . And even there the lustration wasn't a complete success: there is a 'thriving' neonazi 'community' and German industrialists couldn't be more eager to collaborate with (genocidal and expansionist) despots... foreign ones will do if none are available domestically...

#vergangenheitsbewaltigung #lustration #ruscist #expansionism #muscovia #german #thirdreich #hochkultur #russia #Ruscism #nazism #imperialism #colonialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Icking · @jicking
160 followers · 166 posts · Server

So much for :

Decendants of 's have been excluded from government-to-government talks with . They reject a German apology and want to enter into direct talks over

“Come on. Can it be more as an agreement? They are not even given the opportunity to reject the apology”

#vergangenheitsbewaltigung #namibia #genocide #germany #reparations #colonial

Last updated 2 years ago

C.Dittkrist · @cdittkrist
18 followers · 1043 posts · Server

RT @UmlandAndreas
@DUHK_2020 @DGO_Berlin @dgapev @Konflikt_Sicher @FiS_Heidelberg @VitscheBerlin @StimmeUkraine @GermanyinUA @UKRinDEU @DUF_Forum @DerDuod @GERonOstpolitik @VHDtweets ...with its long-lasting energy and modernization partnerships with Putin's regime. To permit other Europeans to give their German tanks to Ukraine is the least what Berlin can, in view of such responsibility, do today for Kyiv. /END

#StandWithUkraine #vergangenheitsbewaltigung

Last updated 2 years ago

Sabine Hiller · @sabinehiller
136 followers · 188 posts · Server

This mind-blowing speech by Yale history prof Timothy is from 5 years ago, but couldn't be more relevant today

Also highly recommend Snyder's 2022 lecture series "The making of modern Ukraine", to be found on the Yale YouTube channel.

#snyder #history #vergangenheitsbewaltigung #ukraine #StandWithUkraine #germany #deutschland #colonialism #slavery

Last updated 2 years ago

Todd668 ☯️鸿熹✨ · @HeartOfChina
40 followers · 111 posts · Server
Todd668 ☯️鸿熹✨ · @HeartOfChina
40 followers · 111 posts · Server