@oceane There's huge amounts of scope, especially since v3 of the #OpenBadges spec now aligns with the #VerifiableCredentials data model.
I've got an unfinished idea around social verifiable credentials here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PYqli7lBCi6h87dOI57uhTeaJeGuX0Scf0Bx1wCrDlY/edit#slide=id.geb248494fe_0_0
I also published a post on endorsements this morning, which could definitely have a $$$ angle https://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2023/09/08/the-role-of-endorsement-in-open-badges-and-open-recognition/
#openbadges #verifiablecredentials
A quick blog post from the air on the way to The Badge Summit @ CU Boulder using a couple metaphors to explain differences between #microcredentials and #OpenRecognition
#microcredentials #openrecognition #openbadges #verifiablecredentials #digitalbadges
Meet me at #DICE2023 in #Zurich.
Let's talk #VerifiableCredentials and #DecentralizedIdentifiers as part of #SelfSovereignIdentity with all its exciting implications and potential.
Things to discuss: #GaiaX, #SSI implementation for Gaia-X Federation Services (#GXFS), #SSI at #Eclipse Foundation and how SSI is crucial for #dataspaces and #dataecosystems
📅 Date: June 7th to 9th 2023
📍 Location: Zurich, Switzerland
You can still register at https://diceurope.org
#dice2023 #zurich #verifiablecredentials #decentralizedidentifiers #selfsovereignidentity #gaiax #ssi #gxfs #Eclipse #dataspaces #dataecosystems
Currently building my agenda at #identiverse. Like every year there are hard choices and thankfully replays are available to go through everything we miss.
Of course this year #DecentralizedIdentity and #VerifiableCredentials will be largely commented.
I also see that #FinedGrainedAuthorizations is getting more space. Is it finally ready for deployment at standard companies?
#identiverse #decentralizedidentity #verifiablecredentials #finedgrainedauthorizations
Digital wallets for verifiable credentials
#ThoughtShrapnel #VerifiableCredentials #mobile #OpenBadges #OpenRecognition
#thoughtshrapnel #verifiablecredentials #mobile #openbadges #openrecognition
Mike Jones point us to the "First Public Working Draft of Securing Verifiable Credentials using JSON Web Tokens" https://self-issued.info/?p=2328
#digitalidentity #wallet #eid #IDPro #verifiablecredentials
We’re going to ask you to work together on this one to play 'Block-buster' 👏
If you checked out the #EBSI Explained #VerifiableCredentials series, see if you can finish the sentence in the picture. Reply to this post with a letter and we’ll show you if it’s in the puzzle or not! 🧩
‘Self-Custody Should Mean the Ownership of Everything About You’ Says Sharering’s Tim Bos - According to Sharering, a blockchain-based platform enabling the creation and use ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/self-custody-should-mean-the-ownership-of-everything-about-you-says-sharerings-tim-bos/ #self-sovereigndigitalidentities #verifiablecredentials #digitalidentity #interview #sharering #timbos
#timbos #sharering #interview #digitalidentity #verifiablecredentials #self
@emilymbender @aral @zoeschiffer @caseynewton We’ll they couldn’t make the metaverse work through AltSpaceVR and took too long to integrate it with Teams etc.
They haven’t achieved widespread adoption of #VerifiableCredentials even though they’ve given over so much real estate to it in their Authenticator App.
Xbox hasn’t beaten Sony.
People continue to use Edge to get Chrome.
They’re pinning their hopes on #AI now.
I participated today in U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (#CBP) #ForcedLabor Technical Expo to discuss and share the role that openly developed, royalty free and free to use standards such as @w3c #VerifiableCredentials, @w3c #DecentralizedIdentifiers and @w3c #JSONLD play in #SupplyChain modernization, visibility and transparency by making multi-party, multi-vendor global #Interoperability possible.
#cbp #forcedlabor #verifiablecredentials #decentralizedidentifiers #jsonld #supplychain #interoperability
#IRMA and #VerifiableCredentials
#video #DId
> Nowadays, when a user wants to authenticate mostly #centralized systems, such as DigiD in the Netherlands, are utilized. ....
#centralized #did #video #verifiablecredentials #irma
@hrefna: I had been wondering whether you had been thinking #verifiablecredentials :-) How would that look like, though, in practice? I haven't seen (but maybe I haven't looked enough) a compelling UX for this kind of web-centric use case.
/cc @aswath
Verifiable Credentials are increasingly being used as a way to protect user accounts from malicious actors. This technology provides an additional layer of security that helps to prevent account compromise. https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/the-role-of-verifiable-credentials-in-preventing-account-compromise #VerifiableCredentials #CyberSecurity #AccountProtection
#verifiablecredentials #cybersecurity #accountprotection
FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Sweeping Pandemic Anti-Fraud Proposal: Going After Systemic Fraud, Taking on Identity Theft, Helping Victims
⟨ " Provide at least $300 million to prevent identity theft in public benefits:
To further prevent systemic identity theft and organized criminal syndicates from exploiting government benefits programs, this proposal would include funding to support the modernization of agency identity verification systems and support enhancements to lessen the impact on victims of identity theft.
As recommended by the PRAC and outlined in their recent report, this funding would facilitate improved data sharing and enhancement of “yes” / “no” attribute validation services." ⟩
The way that this will be implemented matters, and I continue to believe that match/no-match ("yes" / "no") attribute validation services SHOULD NOT be how this is implemented.
Here is why ...
#DigitalIdentity #IdentityFraud #IdentityValidation #IdentityTheft #VerifiableCredentials
#digitalidentity #identityfraud #identityvalidation #identitytheft #verifiablecredentials
🗣️ EBSI and ESSPASS got together for a conference on 1 March to give visitors a sneak peek at how EBSI’s #VerifiableCredentials framework will revolutionise the social security domain.
Read more about how conference-goers got to experience the future of #EUMobility! ✈️🌍
#eumobility #verifiablecredentials
👋 Hi! EBSI here.
We're the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure, a project of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership.
Our mission? Transform public services in the era of Web3.
We're excited to have conversations about it here. Stay tuned…🚀
#EBSI #Blockchain #Web3 #VerifiableCredentials #SSI #SelfSovereignIdentity
#SelfSovereignIdentity #ssi #verifiablecredentials #web3 #BlockChain #ebsi
Despite pouring over a lot of resources on this I can't really figure out what it is really for.
People talk about #VerifiableCredentials and #DecentralizedIdentifiers and things like that but #SemanticWeb structures are neither necessary nor sufficient to get the internet there.
Everything I find seems to go:
1. Everything on the internet everywhere gets correctly labeled and the internet becomes a giant graph database.
2. ???
3. Security, search, and interop are solved!
#verifiablecredentials #decentralizedidentifiers #semanticweb
@tehstu @evan @atomicpoet as you can imagine, I'm not into making businesses for sale, nor do I respect VC (unless it's #VerifiableCredentials).
In the context of responding to @helge #FEP proposal I bumped into a paper by Samuel M. Smith about the role of #LinkedData wrt the #W3C #VerifiableCredentials spec and thought about your earlier musings when exploring #ActivityPub and how #JSONSchema might have been used.
Sam's TL;DR is:
> The VC standard appears to be an adoption vector for Linked Data, not the other way around.
Might find it an interesting read:
And he claims the same applies to W3C #DID.
#FEP #linkeddata #w3c #verifiablecredentials #activitypub #jsonschema #did