I was thinking about who-knows-what at this point, because some exchange is a little confusing to me...
But tangentially I also realised that potentially we have now #Verin directed to the WT knowing about the Dragon & Moiraine AND #Alanna going there too, with the news of Lanfear coming.
I would also expect the #Amyrlin to appear sooner rather than later.
So here's 🥂 hoping to see the WT shaken & moving♟️next week 🙂
#verin #alanna #amyrlin #thewheeloftime #wots2e4
I wasn't expecting the feels in ep 2 of #TheWheelOfTime. My happy thumbnail face definitely didn't stick around through the whole reaction.
#WheelOfTime #TwitterOfTime #WoT #Liandrin #Selene #Egwene #Elayne #Perrin #Elyas #Mat #Min #Moiraine #Lan #Verin
#TheWheelOfTime #wheeloftime #TwitterofTime #wot #liandrin #selene #egwene #elayne #perrin #elyas #mat #min #moiraine #lan #verin
Over 24 hours later, I still can't process the audio in my edited version of my reaction to The Wheel of Time's premiere episode. So, here's the full, uncut reaction, instead. Just use the on-screen timer to sync it with your playback.
#TheWheelOfTime #WheelOfTime #Nynaeve #Liandrin #Moiraine #Lan #Egwene #Perrin #Mat #Verin #Ishamael #PadanFain
#TheWheelOfTime #wheeloftime #nynaeve #liandrin #moiraine #lan #egwene #perrin #mat #verin #ishamael #padanfain
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.9 strikes 17 km NW of #Verín (#Spain) 1hr 0min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1548157
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
Gizmodo: The Wheel of Time Returns and Finds Darkness Creeping In https://gizmodo.com/wheel-of-time-s2-review-prime-video-rosamund-pike-1850757798?utm_source=regular #theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin #5
#theworldofthewheel #marcusrutherford #theeyeoftheworld #thefiresofheaven #madeleinemadden #thedragonreborn #thewheeloftime #katefleetwood #karimamcadams #robertjordan #rosamundpike #danielhenney #animashaun #barneyfinn #faresfares #zoerobins #herwarder #liandrin #moiraine #valere #perrin #sedai #verin
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.6 strikes 12 km NW of #Verín (#Spain) 43 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1532704
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.9 strikes 24 km E of #Verín (#Spain) 31 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1529377
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.8 strikes 4 km NW of #Verín (#Spain) 1hr 13min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1276465
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.7 strikes 21 km E of #Verín (#Spain) 21 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1254075
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.9 strikes 15 km NW of #Verín (#Spain) 17 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1239393
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
🟢 Este sábado 👉🏼 manifestación na defensa da cobertura de #pediatría 👶🏻 en #Verín ❤🩹.
A #sanidadepublica deféndese loitando ✊️🟢
#interiorgalegovivo 🍃
#pediatria #verin #sanidadepublica #ointeriorgalegotenfuturo #oruraltenpartido #interiorgalegovivo
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M1.8 strikes 10 km NE of #Verín (#Spain) 9 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1208668
#earthquake #terremoto #verin #spain
Livraria do Mondego, #Penacova, perto de #Coimbra. Uma pequena maravilha desconhecida para os galegos, mas ideal para quem gosta de descobrir pequenos segredos, como esse mini santuário encravado na rocha. Quem batizou o lugar, sonhou com estantes de #livros ao ver as formas da geologia local. A propósito, é o final de uma falha que começa em #Verim / #Verín e está na #N2, a estrada nacional que atravessa #Portugal de norte a sul e que toda a gente que gosta da estrada devia fazer.
#penacova #coimbra #livros #verim #verin #n2 #portugal
🍼 Artist: #MonDevane - in City : 🏥 Humanización Paritorio del Hospital Público de #Verin Spain 🇪🇸 - #streetart #art #mural #MastoArt #weltkindertag #WorldChildrensDay 👶
#WorldChildrensDay #weltkindertag #MastoArt #Mural #art #streetart #verin #MonDevane