A friend mentioned that Veritasium made a video on IQ and, as we both feared, it turns out it's absolutely awful, one-sided, pro-IQ propaganda.
So I'm re-watching Shaun's video on the Bell Curve book right now, vaguely hoping it'll get algorithmed into a few Veritasium viewers' recommendations. Here it is if you fancy hearing all about what's wrong with the concept of IQ testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBc7qBS1Ujo
#Shaun #ShaunVids #Lefttube #Leftism #Veritasium #IQ #Eugenics
#eugenics #iq #veritasium #leftism #lefttube #shaunvids #shaun
What Does IQ Actually Measure? - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkKPsLxgpuY&ab_channel=Veritasium
What is not covered is the racial component designed with these IQ tests. #Veritasium #Science #IQTests #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse
#veritasium #science #iqtests #blacktwitter #BlackMastodon #blackfediverse
Watch "The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History" on YouTube
#veritasium #Science #Cosmos #leadedGas #TetraEthelLead #ClarePatterson
#veritasium #science #cosmos #leadedgas #tetraethellead #clarepatterson
If I stop cleaning up my car, it will become somewhat clean near the heat death of the universe, right?
#veritasium #entropy #mustwatch
Why Oppenheimer Deserves His Own Movie [video]
#ycombinator #veritasium #science #physics
#ycombinator #veritasium #science #physics
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics - Veritasium
As one of the most important concepts in physics, entropy is probably not exactly what you think it is. While most people have a pretty good idea of how entropy works, almost no one knows the real definition of entropy.
Veritasium explains.
#veritasium #entropy #physics #knowledge
#fireworks explained by #veritasium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfkjm2YRG-Q
Warning : Drone footage can't cause severe motion sickness.
For those who liked this recent #veritasium video https://youtu.be/DxL2HoqLbyA on #entropy, I also recommend the following #MindscapePodcast by @seanmcarroll: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2020/10/26/120-jeremy-england-on-biology-thermodynamics-and-the-bible/.
#veritasium #entropy #MindscapePodcast
"The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics". Spoiler alert: it's entropy. Fascinating, mind-blowing video explaining what it is and what it means. Now I wish I had something like that back in physics class đ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxL2HoqLbyA #Veritasium
This video is one of the best explanation about entropy I have ever seen!
If you have no time to watch it all, I recommend to watch at least from 11:34 where he explains the energy flows between hot and cold in a combinatorial way.
âHeat flowing from cold to hot is not impossible, itâs just improbableâ
#energy #thermodynamics #veritasium #physics #entropy
Lâentropie kĂ©cĂ©ssĂ© ?
Quel rapport avec le soleil ?
L"Ă©nergie ne se "consomme" pas, ne se "crĂ©e" pas, elle se "transforme"... Ăa implique quoi ?
Qui est Sadi Carnot ?
Vous en saurez plus dans cette vidéo de #Veritasium
#veritasium #vulgarisation #energie #thermodynamique #entropie
Entropy: The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics [video by Veritasium]
#veritasium #science #physics
RepĂłrter Retro 092
#RepĂłrterRetro #adrianblack #Amiga600 #arctic.retro #BASIC #CiĂȘncia #ClubeColorRio #Commodore64C #CommodorePC20 #encontrosdeusuĂĄrios #fitacassete #incĂȘndio #MarkFixesStuff #MĂșsicaCountry #NoelLlopis #PCXT #rĂ©plica #RetroRio #RMC #TexasInstrumentsTI-99/4A #Ultrassom #UsagiElectric #Userlandia #VCFEast #Veritasium
#veritasium #vcfeast #userlandia #usagielectric #ultrassom #texasinstrumentsti #rmc #retrorio #replica #pcxt #noelllopis #musicacountry #markfixesstuff #incendio #fitacassete #encontrosdeusuarios #commodorepc20 #commodore64c #clubecolorrio #ciencia #basic #arctic #amiga600 #adrianblack #reporterretro
The Fastest Maze-Solving Competition On Earth - Veritasium
You've heard of mice solving mazes. What about robotic mice solving mazes? What about robotic mice solving mazes in incredibly fast times? That's what the Micromouse competition is all about.
#Veritasium #Micromouse #Robotics #Mazes #Computers #Technology #Competition
#veritasium #micromouse #robotics #Mazes #computers #technology #competition
Derek Muller [#Veritasium] explains the history, strategies and innovations of the #Micromouse maze solving competition
#Robotics #making #electronics
#veritasium #micromouse #robotics #making #electronics
Roadscapes Wednesday: Explaining Concrete While Getting Buried In It
Welcome to the Roadscapes Wednesday segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Roadscapes Wednesday will feature roads and infrastructure related topics. G
#RoadscapesStuff #Concrete #DerekMuller #ExplainingConcreteWhileGettingBuriedInIt #Highways #infrastructure #roads #RoadsandHighways #Roadscapes #Veritasium #YouTube
#roadscapesstuff #concrete #derekmuller #explainingconcretewhilegettingburiedinit #highways #infrastructure #roads #roadsandhighways #roadscapes #veritasium #youtube