I remember a few years ago near Asheville, NC, at a kind of artist / craft / natural food mall, this elderly woman came up to us and asked my wife "Where are you from?" And she was smiling, very friendly, obv just curious.
When wifey (who is a Japanese national) said "Seattle", the lady wouldn't relent, and said, "No, but where are you REALLY from?"
Doubling down.
We were #verklempt.
Trying to capture the great good sadness and depth I will carry home from #aag2023
I often post poems for staff on our Slack; this one is not quite right for all who are going home today, so I will send my amazing colleagues a different one, but it is right for me. #verklempt
“ The sun doesn’t need more heat,
so why should you? The trees don’t need
to be close, so why should you?”
-Sally Wen Mao, Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles by Sally Wen Mao - Poems | poets.org
Helena Greer’s Seasons of Love - page 6 and I’m #verklempt. “Next year, at Carrigan’s was her tiny private version of Next year, in Jerusalem.”
I’m also loving the Sukkot- Thanksgiving time frame. Thanks for creating a space on paper that already feels like home.
#JewishRep #SeasonofLove #jewish #Jewishbook #readforeverpub #CurrentlyReading #HanukkahBook #HelenaGreer
#HelenaGreer #HanukkahBook #currentlyreading #readforeverpub #Jewishbook #jewish #SeasonofLove #JewishRep #verklempt