A Salvadoran storefront church opened up the street from my house a few weeks ago and most afternoons and evenings they sell just fantastic pan con pollo and pastelitos Savaldoreños, neither of which is very common as street food here.
#LosAngeles #LA #ComidaSalvadoreña #SalvadoranFood #ElSalvador #VermontAvenue #SouthLA #SouthCentralLA #PanConPollo #PastelitosSalvadoreños #Empanadas #Curtido #StorefrontChurch
#losangeles #la #comidasalvadorena #salvadoranfood #elsalvador #vermontavenue #southla #southcentralla #panconpollo #pastelitossalvadorenos #empanadas #curtido #storefrontchurch
Does anyone know what this thing is? It's on the north side of 56th street between Hoover and Vermont. There are a lot of weird rusty artifacts around LA but this is the only one of these I know.
#LosAngeles #LA #56thStreet #VermontAvenue #UnidentifiedObjects #Artifacts #Artefacts
#losangeles #la #56thstreet #vermontavenue #unidentifiedobjects #artifacts #artefacts
Is there another city in the world where the fact that this place exists would be so unremarkable?
#LosAngeles #LA #VermontAvenue #47thStreet #BubbasRestaurant #SalvadoranFood #AmericanFood #ComidaSalvadoreña #ComidaAmericana #Diners
#losangeles #la #vermontavenue #47thstreet #bubbasrestaurant #salvadoranfood #americanfood #comidasalvadorena #comidaamericana #diners
How I Met LAPD Officers Bobby Romo And Steven Valenzuela On Vermont Avenue Yesterday At 3 AM And What Happened Next
#LosAngeles #LA #LAPD #BobbyRomo #StevenValenzuela #43551 #36915 #VermontAvenue #YouCanBeatTheRapButYouCantBeatTheRide #CrimeScene #ACAB #Abolition #PoliceAbolition
#losangeles #la #lapd #bobbyromo #stevenvalenzuela #vermontavenue #youcanbeattherapbutyoucantbeattheride #crimescene #acab #Abolition #policeabolition
Former barbecue restaurant in Los Angeles.
#Barbecue #BarbedWire #LosAngeles #LA #VermontAvenue #60thStreet
#barbecue #barbedwire #losangeles #la #vermontavenue #60thstreet
How long before they change the name?
#LosAngeles #MarkRidleyThomas #VermontAvenue #Corruption #LifeLessons
#losangeles #markridleythomas #vermontavenue #corruption #lifelessons
This is the north side of 58th Place between Vermont and Kansas. Up until a few days ago this block face was lined with RVs full of human beings. This morning they've vanished without a sign or a notice or anything.
Maybe it's normal, maybe it's ok, but if it is it'd be very strange. This is what incremental genocide looks like in Los Angeles. Curren Price presents himself as an empty suit with good intentions or some such nonsense but he's as much of a killer as the rest of them.
#losangeles #homelessness #southla #vermontavenue #rvdwellers #currenprice #CD9