Date of Easter (Paschal computus)
"As a #MoveableFeast, the date of #Easter is determined in each year through a calculation known as computus (#Latin for #computation) … celebrated on the 1st Sunday after the Paschal #FullMoon, which is the 1st full moon on or after 21 March (a fixed approximation of the March #Equinox)…"
The #VernalEquinox in the North & the #AutumnalEquinox in the South, usually occurs on March 20.
#Time & #Timelessness
#moveablefeast #easter #latin #computation #fullmoon #equinox #vernalequinox #autumnalequinox #time #timelessness
@piper The March #Equinox starts up your fall in the #SouthernHemisphere, so is it called the #VernalEquinox, the #AutumnalEquinox, or something else?
We've been planning to have everyone celebrate on the same #FullMoon night between March 6 and April 3 - wherever in the world you are and whatever season it is. We can keep in contact over #Mastodon (and take lots of photos).
Are these dates good for people in #Australia? The Destination Day in 2005 was in March, although not on the Full Moon.
#equinox #southernhemisphere #vernalequinox #autumnalequinox #fullmoon #mastodon #australia
Evolving list of #hashtags used by @KronoMoon
#️⃣Causality #️⃣ConceptualArt #️⃣Cosmology #️⃣Eclipse #️⃣FullMoon #️⃣Futures #️⃣KrononautMoon #️⃣Krononautics #️⃣Megalith #️⃣MegalithicMonday #️⃣Pasts #️⃣Presents #️⃣StandingStone #️⃣StandingStoneSunday #️⃣Time #️⃣TimeMachine #️⃣TimeTravel #️⃣TimeTravelAuthors #️⃣VernalEquinox
#hashtags #causality #conceptualart #cosmology #eclipse #fullmoon #futures #krononautmoon #krononautics #megalith #megalithicmonday #pasts #presents #standingstone #standingstonesunday #time #timemachine #timetravel #timetravelauthors #vernalequinox
Why talk about the #FullMoon nearest to the #VernalEquinox? The calculation for #KrononautMoon is simpler and less dependent on human calendars. It's based on nature (the #Sun crossing the #CelestialEquator from south to north).
A #KrononautMoon will almost always occur between March 3 and April 6. We don't need to know what month it is, only when the spring equinox is. On our homepage (in beta) are dates thru the next decade, including a #TotalLunarEclipse in 2025.
#fullmoon #vernalequinox #krononautmoon #sun #celestialequator #totallunareclipse
@edwardshambrook The #Krononaut experiments began on March 9, 1982 (over 40 years ago) with a 'landing party' for Visitors from the Futures, in Baltimore MD US.
There's a mention on the #TimeTravel page of @Wikipedia.
That date was a #FullMoon, nearest to the #VernalEquinox.
For any #TimeTravelers who might be thinking about visiting their friends here on Earth, the lunar event is a convenient marker of the time. 25 Mar 2024 will see a #PenumbralLunarEclipse.
#krononaut #timetravel #fullmoon #vernalequinox #timetravelers #penumbrallunareclipse
Happy Spring!
#VernalEquinox #Spring #Illustration #MastoArt
#vernalequinox #spring #illustration #mastoart
Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos
[I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees]
-Pablo Neruda, Poema XIV (20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada)
#VernalEquinox #春分の日
#everynightapoem #poetry #translation #neruda
#vernalequinox #春分の日 #everynightapoem #poetry #translation #neruda
From you have I been absent in the spring
They were but sweet, but figures of delight
Drawn after you, – you pattern of all those.
Yet seem’d it winter still, and, you away,
As with your shadow I with these did play.
-William Shakesepeare, Sonnet 98 (full poem in image description)
#everynightapoem #poetry #sonnet #shakespeare #vernalequinox #春分
#everynightapoem #poetry #sonnet #shakespeare #vernalequinox #春分
Felt good to be able to get outside and enjoy the first day of spring before the rain returns tomorrow. #Spring #Equinox #SpringEquinox #VernalEquinox
#spring #equinox #springequinox #vernalequinox
RT @ADASpota
The Dark and the Light are equal now…
Happy Vernal Equinox!
#VernalEquinox / #SpringEquinox
Rin' - Sakura Sakura
A spring bloom for #VernalEquinox #blossom #flowering #FlowersOfMastodon #springtime
#vernalequinox #blossom #flowering #FlowersOfMastodon #springtime
This winter the Computer Suite ranged from 26.2 C° to 7.5 and the NE Deck from 17.3 to -10.9.
More pictures of one of the giant sycamores in the northeast end of Garfield Park:
#trees #vernalequinox #spring #naturephotography
I decided to pass the vernal equinox (5:24pm, eastern) at Garfield Park and visit with some old friends*.
I took some photos:
#vernalequinox #spring #naturephotography #trees #nature
And DON'T FORGET - If you're in Central Los Angeles, look down any straight east-west thoroughfare during #sunset (7:05 p.m. tonight), and the sun will be setting in the middle of the street!
#springequinox #vernalequinox #Sunset
It is Monday, March 20, 2023. #Spring may or may not have officially begun. 🤷🏽♂️
#VernalEquinox #SpringEquinox
#springequinox #vernalequinox #spring