There are so many reasons to love #wetlands , but #today I am appreciating a joyful chorus of #springpeepers welcoming #spring. In case it hasn’t reached you yet, enjoy this little #video.
#wetlands in urban areas keep us in touch with the seasons and remind us to care for the wildlife in our #environment.
#signsofspring #herps #frogs #anurans #swamps #vernalpool
#today #springpeepers #environment #anurans #vernalpool #video #signsofspring #herps #frogs #swamps #wetlands #spring
My first class of #Michigan Master Naturalist training with Michigan State University concluded with a hike to a #vernalpool that luckily sprung to life for our visit despite the cold temps #frogs Not exactly #silentsunday but much more awesomeness.
#silentsunday #Frogs #vernalpool #Michigan
Today in #WalkingInTheWoods . . .
Made it to this small #VernalPool
Sat for a while taking it in - oak leaves as big as my head
#walkinginthewoods #vernalpool #mianusriver #easternwoodlands #oaktrees