#VeronikaKudermetova also getting cooked.
I've only just got up - is Kuermetova's injury playing up again?
Also saw #AnnaKalinskaya didn't even make it to the starting gate - assume that's also due to a long term injury.
#tennis #veronikakudermetova #annakalinskaya
Is #VeronikaKudermetova wearing white cycling shorts or is she wearing the trendy 'tubular bandages held together with tape' look that tons of the WTA crowd seem to prefer?
I'm thinking #CamilaOsorio and #KatieVolynets here.
#tennis #veronikakudermetova #camilaosorio #katievolynets
My first match of the week. 9am - a good time for me.
Having watched nothing at all of this tournament, I am speechless that #VeronikaKudermetova has
got this far because she's seemed to play with an injury and lose in most of her matches this year because of it.