Uniswap Unveils Game-Changing Version 4 With Customizable Liquidity Pools via Innovative Hooks - On June 13, the largest decentralized exchange (dex) in terms of global trade volu... - https://news.bitcoin.com/uniswap-unveils-game-changing-version-4-with-customizable-liquidity-pools-via-innovative-hooks/ #decentralizedexchange #innovativefeatures #communityfeedback #globaltradevolume #liquiditypools #smartcontracts #customization #dexplatforms #uniswapv4 #ammpools #defiapps #version4 #dex
#dex #version4 #defiapps #ammpools #uniswapv4 #dexplatforms #customization #smartcontracts #liquiditypools #globaltradevolume #communityfeedback #innovativefeatures #decentralizedexchange
Mastodon version 4 is here.
Among many improvements is the ability to follow #hashtags.
Wouldn't it be useful if we could create Lists based on hashtags? @Gargron
Overview of v4 here - https://www.howtogeek.com/848366/the-mastodon-social-network-just-released-a-big-update/
Mastodon version 4 is here.
Among many improvements is the ability to follow #hashtags.
Wouldn't it be useful if we could create Lists based on hashtags? @Gargron
Mastodon version 4 is here.
Among many improvements is the ability to follow #hashtags.
Wouldn't it be useful if we could create lists based on hashtags? @Gargron
OK folks nzserver.co is now running #mastodon #version4 for your delight and entertainment #NewZealand #NZTwits #NZ
#mastodon #version4 #newzealand #nztwits #nz
Critical Slack Bug Allows Access to Private Channels, Conversations - The RCE bug affects versions below 4.4 of the Slack desktop app. https://threatpost.com/critical-slack-bug-access-private-channels-conversations/158795/ #criticalsecurityvulnerability #privatechannelaccess #privateconversations #remotecodeexecution #vulnerabilities #cloudsecurity #websecurity #version4.4 #bugbounty #hackerone #oskarsv #patch #slack #rce
#rce #slack #patch #oskarsv #hackerone #bugbounty #version4 #websecurity #cloudsecurity #vulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #privateconversations #privatechannelaccess #criticalsecurityvulnerability