Daily upload - Aug 25 - Covered shear studs, Mare Island CA 8919 (2023)
#plastic #vertical #industrial #photography
Daily upload - Aug 23 - Shear studs on rusted I-beams, Mare Island CA26326 (2023)
#i #rust #vertical #abstract #industrial #photography
She Came to Me | Official Trailer (HD) | Vertical
A composer with an unfinished opera, a spiritually conflicted psychiatrist, a free-spirited tugboat captain collide on an unpredictable voyage into uncharted waters in writer-director Rebecca Miller’s enchanting romantic comedy.
#SheCameToMe #Vertical #OfficialTrailer #Movies
#shecametome #vertical #officialtrailer #movies
#Nature with #Insects is so beautiful. When the #Bug shows you how to do #yoga in #vertical position, stare in you with #red #eyes
I shot this #Photography #Photo in #brandenburg close by #Berlin
#Berlin #brandenburg #Photo #Photography #eyes #red #vertical #yoga #Bug #Insects #Nature
Daily upload - Aug 14 - Vertical cylinder, Mare Island CA 29436 (2023)
Please note: vertical orientation
#industrial #round #photography #cylinder #vertical #rust
#vertical : directly overhead, or in the zenith
- French: vertical
- German: vertikal
- Italian: verticale
- Portuguese: vertical
- Spanish: vertical
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
I've been tinkering with part of my #Transformers website, trying to modernize the page design, and just spent a few hours attempting to understand #inline-block elements and #vertical-align. The tutorials I could find were not specific enough for me and I eventually made this jsfiddle to help me suss it out:
*None* of the options will actually vertically align the center of your inline-block element with the center of its parent!
#transformers #inline #vertical #css #webdesign
F18 In Star Wars Canyon
This F18 came in just below eye level as it passed the Crowley Point overlook. He was the second flight through the canyon for the day. He dove deeper into the canyon as neared the opening flying low over the dunes in the distance.See the full image here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/f18-in-star-wars-canyon-bill-gallagher.html #F18InStarWarsCanyon #BillGallagherPhotography #Jet, #F18 #USJetFighter #StarWarsCanyon #JediTransition #DeathValley #FatherCrowleyOverlook #Vertical #PrecisionFlying
#f18instarwarscanyon #billgallagherphotography #jet #f18 #usjetfighter #starwarscanyon #jeditransition #deathvalley #fathercrowleyoverlook #vertical #precisionflying
[Vertical Cam] Zukkii (ずっきー) AKB48 – Sayonara Crawl (さよならクロール) | Japan Expo Thai 2023 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1767521/akb48/
#AKB48 #AKB48Team4 #Cam #Crawl #Expo #fancamZukkiiAKB48 #japan #Sayonara #SayonaraCrawl #thai #Vertical #Vlog #YAMAUCHIMIZUKI #ZukkiAKB48 #ZukkiAKB48SayonaraCrawl #zukkii #ZukkiiJapanExpoThai2023 #さよならクロール #ずっきー #山内瑞葵
#akb48 #AKB48Team4 #cam #crawl #expo #fancamzukkiiakb48 #japan #sayonara #sayonaracrawl #thai #vertical #vlog #yamauchimizuki #zukkiakb48 #zukkiakb48sayonaracrawl #zukkii #zukkiijapanexpothai2023 #さよならクロール #ずっきー #山内瑞葵
@disko @erd Bestimmt gibts bald eine Video KI die ohne Qualitätsverlust und ohne Inhaltsverlust den kompletten Bildinhalt von Hoch- in Querformat umbaut ;) „responsive video content enhanced by AI“ oder so 🤔😀 #AI #kI #video #aspect #vertical #responsive #content
#ai #ki #video #aspect #vertical #responsive #content
That's precisely why my #website #shuns those #vertical #philisters:
#website #shuns #vertical #philisters
#Vertical #Farm cuts energy use 75 per cent by using sunlight : New Sci
Pricing #Nature: Can ‘#Biodiversity Credits’ Propel Global #Conservation? : Yale
What #Animals Are Going #Extinct? : Disc Mag
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #extinct #Animals #Conservation #biodiversity #Nature #farm #vertical
Hidden Vulnerability Of US Atlantic Coast To Sea-Level Rise Due To Vertical Land Motion
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37853-7 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #sealevelrise #SLR #data #AtlanticCoast #risk #hazard #elevation #subsidence #rates #land #remotesensing #geodesy #geodetic #satellite #coast #coastal #landcover #vulnerability #marshes #coastalmarshes #wetlands #environmental #risk #hazard #vulnerability #vulnerabilitymanagement #mitigation #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #model #modeling #vertical #land #motion
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #sealevelrise #slr #data #atlanticcoast #risk #hazard #elevation #subsidence #rates #land #remotesensing #Geodesy #geodetic #satellite #coast #coastal #landcover #vulnerability #marshes #coastalmarshes #wetlands #environmental #vulnerabilitymanagement #mitigation #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #model #modeling #vertical #motion
We're a bit over a week later now, and I've been using the #Kensington #SlimBlade #Trackball exclusively all week to get as familiar as I can with it. I had to physically put my #Logitech #Vertical MX mouse away as I kept subconsciously grabbing it with my right hand the first day.
Other than that it was surprisingly easy to get used to using a Trackball, with my left hand to boot. It's quite pleasant, and my right wrist has had some well needed rest thanks to this, too.
#kensington #slimblade #trackball #logitech #vertical #rsi #workfromhome
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#poem #nationalpoetrymonth #vertical
My car was screaming at me because I couldn’t close the trunk lid due to squeezing a #cocktailarcade into the back. So now I have another project machine, at least this one works; just cosmetic repairs & stuff. I have no interest to keep it as a #multicade & I’m excited turn this into something interesting. Maybe a #tate #vertical #shmup cab?
#cocktailarcade #multicade #tate #vertical #shmup
#vertical : directly overhead, or in the zenith
- French: vertical
- German: vertikal
- Italian: verticale
- Portuguese: vertical
- Spanish: vertical
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations