Technologies developed for #AAM have various applications & are advancing #aviation. They are enabling the development of quieter & greener propulsion systems, further automation & vehicles for on-demand #mobility, #freight mobility, last-mile delivery, EMS, agriculture, etc. 🚁🛩✈️🔋
#aircraft #ClimateAction #EnergyTransition #engineering #FutureReady #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #transportation #stem #futureready #engineering #energytransition #ClimateAction #aircraft #freight #mobility #Aviation #aam
Un petit rappel à la communauté aéronautique francophone :
🚁 #VTOL = aéronef à décollage et atterrissage verticaux (ADAV)
🛩 #STOL = aéronef à décollage et atterrissage courts (ADAC)
🔋 #eVTOL = ADAV électrique
ℹ️ Hélicoptères ⊂ ADAV. Mais la réciproque est fausse.
#aircraft #aviation #engineering #francophonie #helicopters #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #helicopters #francophonie #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #eVTOL #stol #vtol
#DYK São Paulo, Brazil provides a good overview of what #UAM traffic could look like. Downtown SP accommodates >400,000 annual #helicopter operations in close proximity w/ 2 hub #airports. These ops have been performed with a remarkable level of #safety. 🚁
#AerialMobility #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #infrastructure #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #infrastructure #futureready #engineering #Aviation #aerialmobility #Safety #airports #helicopter #uam #dyk
Unveil the captivating evolution of helicopters through history 🚁✈️ From da Vinci's sketches to modern marvels, explore the journey of flight in our comprehensive article! #AviationHistory #HelicopterInnovation #VerticalFlight 📜🔍
#verticalflight #helicopterinnovation #aviationhistory
Not sure about "fishing the seagulls"... But the urban "aerial firemen" concept is actually coming true with the emergence of #UAS and crewed eVTOL vehicles with EMS and firefighting capabilities. 🚁 #aviation #firefighters #mobility #STEM #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #stem #mobility #firefighters #Aviation #uas
The FAA released its first Advanced Air Mobility Implementation Plan providing steps to safely enable AAM operations in the near term. The “Innovate28” plan includes various components and the sequence they will occur in for operations to be at scale at one or more sites by 2028: 🚁🛩️✈️
#aircraft #aerospace #AirTravel #avgeek #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #mobility #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #engineering #Aviation #avgeek #airTravel #aerospace #aircraft
Do not miss my interview with
Dan Zukowski for Smart Cities Dive about preparing cities & communities for the advent of advanced air #mobility (AAM): 🚁🛩️✈️
#airports #AirTravel #aviation #engineering #eVTOL #infrastructure #transportation #UrbanPlanning #VerticalFlight #vertiport
#vertiport #verticalflight #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #eVTOL #engineering #Aviation #airTravel #airports #mobility
Read my interview with Jessica Reed for Avionics International on How Airports Can Prepare For Electric Aircraft: 🚁🛩️✈️
#AAM #AirTravel #airports #eVTOL #FutureReady #infrastructure #mobility #STEM #research #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiport
#vertiport #verticalflight #transportation #Research #stem #mobility #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOL #airports #airTravel #aam
#eVTOL aircraft can provide a new solution for the first & last miles from/to commercial airports: ACRP Research Report 243 explored the integration of #AAM at #aviation facilities: 🚁
#vertiports #verticalflight #mobility #airTravel #airports #Aviation #aam #eVTOL
Read my interview for Civil + Structural Engineer magazine on How Electric #Aviation Is Transforming #Transportation with Advanced Air #Mobility: 🛩️🚁🔋
#aircraft #airports #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #airports #aircraft #mobility #transportation #Aviation
Read my interview with Joe Petrie for Airport Business magazine on preparing aviation facilities for advance air mobility (AAM): 🛩🚁🔋
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #aircraft #aviation #engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #infrastructure #mobility #transportation #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #AdvancedAirMobility #aam
I enjoyed our conversation on #eVTOL applications for executive #aviation with Dale D. Buss for Chief Executive magazine. Read Dale's article Stuck In Traffic? You Could Be Flying: 🚁🔋
#AAM #aircraft #AirTravel #BusinessAviation #ElectricAviation #mobility #STEM #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOL
#vtol #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #stem #mobility #electricaviation #businessaviation #airTravel #aircraft #aam #Aviation #eVTOL
AIN: The #FAA is seeking public comment on certification standards it has developed for the Leonardo AW609 civil #tiltrotor. More here: 🚁🛩
#vtol #verticalflight #Aviation #aircraft #tiltrotor #faa
Do not miss my interview with Charles Alcock of AIN for Future Flight on the #infrastructure needs for enabling advanced air #mobility & electric #aviation at #airports: 🚁🛩🔋
#aircraft #AirTaxi #AirTravel #engineering #eSTOL #eVTOL #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOL
#vtol #eVTOL #estol #vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #engineering #airTravel #airtaxi #aircraft #airports #Aviation #mobility #infrastructure
@vstol Thank you for sharing this story, Mike! It is an amazing book, indeed, full of great data, pictures, and perspectives on the future (which is now!). Most of these discussions are still valid today. And there is even a mention of... The #HSVTOL concept! On page 109: "The tiltrotor is seen by #Bell as one way of implementing a stopped-rotor design. After transitioning to forward flight, the rotor would be feathered, stopped, and folded backwards. [...]" 🚁 #Aviation #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #Aviation #bell #hsvtol
@vstol Thank you for mentioning this book. I'll definitely add it to my reading list. #AviationBookClub #EmergencyManagement #SundayAviationReading #VerticalFlight
#verticalflight #sundayaviationreading #emergencymanagement #aviationbookclub
#Helicopters played a critical role in the emergency response to the 1986 #Chernobyl NPP accident. They fulfilled many different missions. Read the 1998 paper Operation of Helicopters During the Chernobyl Accident by Major General Masharovsky (State Emergency Service of Ukraine). 🚁 #VerticalFlight #VTOL
#vtol #verticalflight #Chernobyl #helicopters
#SundayAviationReading The Sikorsky Aircraft Centennial, 1923-2023, A Tribute by the Igor I Sikorsky Historical Archives is a great monograph celebrating the journey of the #Sikorsky company & the life of its founder. 🚁 #AviationBookClub #engineering #helicopter #VerticalFlight #STEM
#stem #verticalflight #helicopter #engineering #aviationbookclub #sikorsky #sundayaviationreading
Are you a city or aviation planner? Are you looking for guidance on urban air #mobility infrastructure? Don't look further & enjoy ACRP #Research Report 243, the only comprehensive "go-to manual" on the matter: 🚁🛩🏙
#airports #AirTravel #avgeeks #aviation #ElectricFlight #eVTOLs #infrastructure #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #infrastructure #eVTOLS #electricflight #Aviation #avgeeks #airTravel #airports #Research #mobility
#SundayAviationReading Reading this excellent 1989 book featuring a great deal of details & pictures: VTOL Military Research Aircraft by Mike Rogers. 🚁🛩️✈️🚀📕
#avgeeks #aviation #AviationBookClub #engineering #VerticalFlight #VTOLs
#vtols #verticalflight #engineering #aviationbookclub #Aviation #avgeeks #sundayaviationreading