#DYK São Paulo, Brazil provides a good overview of what #UAM traffic could look like. Downtown SP accommodates >400,000 annual #helicopter operations in close proximity w/ 2 hub #airports. These ops have been performed with a remarkable level of #safety. 🚁
#AerialMobility #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #infrastructure #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #infrastructure #futureready #engineering #Aviation #aerialmobility #Safety #airports #helicopter #uam #dyk
The FAA released its first Advanced Air Mobility Implementation Plan providing steps to safely enable AAM operations in the near term. The “Innovate28” plan includes various components and the sequence they will occur in for operations to be at scale at one or more sites by 2028: https://www.faa.gov/air-taxis/implementation-plan. 🚁🛩️✈️
#aircraft #aerospace #AirTravel #avgeek #aviation #engineering #FutureReady #mobility #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #engineering #Aviation #avgeek #airTravel #aerospace #aircraft
#eVTOL aircraft can provide a new solution for the first & last miles from/to commercial airports: https://embraer.com/global/en/news?slug=1207215-united-airlines-and-eve-air-mobility-collaborating-to-bring-first-electric-commuter-flights-to-san-francisco. ACRP Research Report 243 explored the integration of #AAM at #aviation facilities: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26899/urban-air-mobility-an-airport-perspective. 🚁
#vertiports #verticalflight #mobility #airTravel #airports #Aviation #aam #eVTOL
Read my interview for Civil + Structural Engineer magazine on How Electric #Aviation Is Transforming #Transportation with Advanced Air #Mobility: https://csengineermag.com/how-electric-aviation-is-transforming-transportation-with-advanced-air-mobility/. 🛩️🚁🔋
#aircraft #airports #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #airports #aircraft #mobility #transportation #Aviation
#DYK Electric #aircraft techs don't apply to #eVTOL vehicles only! #eCTOL & #eSTOL aircraft are poised to takeoff as well: https://verticalmag.com/press-releases/electra-unveils-full-scale-hybrid-estol-demonstrator/. Want to know more? Check our ACRP #Research Report 236: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26512/preparing-your-airport-for-electric-aircraft-and-hydrogen-technologies. 🛩️🔋
#vertiports #TRB #ElectricVehicles #airports #Research #estol #ectol #eVTOL #aircraft #dyk
Read my interview with Joe Petrie for Airport Business magazine on preparing aviation facilities for advance air mobility (AAM): https://www.nxtbook.com/endeavor/airportbusiness/may-june-2023/index.php#/p/26. 🛩🚁🔋
#AAM #AdvancedAirMobility #aircraft #aviation #engineering #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #infrastructure #mobility #transportation #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs #WeAreWSP
#wearewsp #vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #eVTOLS #estols #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #AdvancedAirMobility #aam
I enjoyed our conversation on #eVTOL applications for executive #aviation with Dale D. Buss for Chief Executive magazine. Read Dale's article Stuck In Traffic? You Could Be Flying: https://chiefexecutive.net/plane-advantage-we-have-liftoff/. 🚁🔋
#AAM #aircraft #AirTravel #BusinessAviation #ElectricAviation #mobility #STEM #UAM #UrbanMobility #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOL
#vtol #vertiports #verticalflight #urbanmobility #uam #stem #mobility #electricaviation #businessaviation #airTravel #aircraft #aam #Aviation #eVTOL
Do not miss my interview with Charles Alcock of AIN for Future Flight on the #infrastructure needs for enabling advanced air #mobility & electric #aviation at #airports: https://futureflight.aero/news-brief/2023-06-07/airports-urged-make-advanced-air-mobility-and-electric-aircraft-key-part. 🚁🛩🔋
#aircraft #AirTaxi #AirTravel #engineering #eSTOL #eVTOL #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOL
#vtol #eVTOL #estol #vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #engineering #airTravel #airtaxi #aircraft #airports #Aviation #mobility #infrastructure
Are you a city or aviation planner? Are you looking for guidance on urban air #mobility infrastructure? Don't look further & enjoy ACRP #Research Report 243, the only comprehensive "go-to manual" on the matter: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26899/urban-air-mobility-an-airport-perspective. 🚁🛩🏙
#airports #AirTravel #avgeeks #aviation #ElectricFlight #eVTOLs #infrastructure #STEM #transportation #VerticalFlight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #infrastructure #eVTOLS #electricflight #Aviation #avgeeks #airTravel #airports #Research #mobility
Every time eVTOLs for advanced air #mobility are called "electric helicopters"... 😉🚁🔋 #avgeeks #aviation #verticalflight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #Aviation #avgeeks #mobility
Are you attending #Forum79 of @VTOLsociety next month? Don't miss my presentation on #airport & #vertiport compatibility criteria for eVTOL #aircraft design on Wed. 5/17 at 04:30PM ET! Are you looking for the paper? Download Paper 1258 developed with Loup-Giang Nguyen. 🚁🔋
#aviation #engineering #eVTOLs #mobility #STEM #VerticalFlight #vertiports #VTOLs
#vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #stem #mobility #eVTOLS #engineering #Aviation #aircraft #vertiport #airport #forum79
Advanced air #mobility is coming... How can we plan for AAM at existing #airports? How can we engage communities about new #vertiports & STOLports? Read Chapter 6 of ACRP #Research Report 243 to learn about planning strategies for AAM: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/26899/chapter/8. The chapter proposes a comprehensive planning process for developing implementation plans at individual aviation facilities.
#aircraft #aviation #ElectricVehicles #engineering #hydrogen #research #STEM #transportation #verticalflight
#verticalflight #transportation #stem #hydrogen #engineering #ElectricVehicles #Aviation #aircraft #Research #vertiports #airports #mobility
Read the new US Government Accountability Office report Transforming #Aviation: Congress Should Clarify Certain Tax Exemptions for Advanced Air #Mobility: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105188. It was a pleasure to provide my perspectives on the matter to the GAO analysts as part of the Airport Consultants Council (ACC) response to the study's industry outreach effort. 🚁🛩️🔋 #advancedairmobility #airports #electricflight #evtols #futureready #infrastructure #transportation #verticalflight #vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #infrastructure #futureready #eVTOLS #electricflight #airports #AdvancedAirMobility #mobility #Aviation
"The adoption rate of electric #aviation will vary based on the local market for each use case as well as policies adopted by states and communities.” Read my interview with Ben Goldstein for Aviation Week: https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/advanced-air-mobility/aam-viewpoint-how-should-airports-prepare-electric-aircraft. 🚁🛩✈️🔋 #Aerospace #Aircraft #Airports #ElectricAircraft #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Mobility #STEM #Transportation #VerticalFlight #Vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #stem #mobility #futureready #eVTOLS #electricaircraft #airports #aircraft #aerospace #Aviation
Read our WSP collection of articles about advanced air mobility (AAM) and how we are helping clients prepare for its emergence: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/wsp-transport-infrastructure_wsp-embracing-advanced-air-mobility-article-activity-7006297310292799488-WcCm. 🚁🛩✈️🔋 #Aircraft #Airports #Aviation #ElectricFlight #Engineering #Engineering4Everyone #FutureReady #Infrastructure #Mobility #Transportation #VerticalFlight #Vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #transportation #mobility #infrastructure #futureready #engineering4everyone #engineering #electricflight #Aviation #airports #aircraft
Looking for the characteristics of electric aircraft for planning purpose? Check our eACAP database available in the appendices as well as the electronic toolkit of ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies: https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/26512/preparing-your-airport-for-electric-aircraft-and-hydrogen-technologies. ✈️🛩️🚁🔋 #Aerospace #Aircraft #Airports #Avgeeks #Aviation #ClimateAction #Engineering #eCTOLs #ElectricFlight #eSTOLs #eVTOLs #FutureReady #Research #STEM #VerticalFlight #Vertiports
#vertiports #verticalflight #stem #Research #futureready #eVTOLS #estols #electricflight #ectols #engineering #ClimateAction #Aviation #avgeeks #airports #aircraft #aerospace
The new guidebook on Preventing the Adverse Effects of Rotor Downwash (in French) is now available on the website of DGAC (France): https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/Guide_souffle_rotor_DSAC_05%20nov_2022_VF.pdf. 📕
It was a pleasure to contribute to the development of this guidebook "from the field to the field". The document is only available in French for now, but it might be translated in English in the near future... Stay tuned! 🚁 🌬️
#aviation #engineering #helicopters #heliports #safetyfirst #verticalflight #vertiports #vtols
#vtols #vertiports #verticalflight #safetyfirst #heliports #helicopters #engineering #Aviation
Quite a lot of good reads tonight. This one on #vertiports is interesting, too. https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2022/11/16/a-new-type-of-air-terminal-opens-for-flying-taxis