It's #BandcampFriday ! Go pick up the best album of the year, Louise Post's Sleepwalker! Really cool indie pop/rock album, good all the way through.
#BandcampFriday #louisepost #verucasalt #bandcamp
Continuing the #VerucaSalt theme, here is my favourite track from Nina Gordon's two solo albums: 'When you don't want me anymore'
I hadn't seen this before so I'll post on here as well: Louise Post demo version of Used to Know Her #VerucaSalt
#VerucaSalt’s Louise Post on the #Trauma, #Women Pirates, & Rebirth That Lead To Sleepwalker
A bit of salt in the wound, today. #music #vinylcollection #vinyl #nowPlaying #verucasalt
#music #vinylcollection #vinyl #nowPlaying #verucasalt
#GreatAlbums1990s - #VerucaSalt – #AmericanThighs (1994). The grunge craze brought a spray of bands like Veruca Salt to major prominence based on a certain “sound.” The group’s languid vocals, Big Muff guitar, and clinky-clank bass were already clichés. However, Nina Gordon and Louise Post never compromise on melody and harmonized hooks, turning “Seether” (the sorta hit), “Wolf,” and “Victrola” into woozy anthems of disaffection.
#Albums, #Music, #LP, #Reviews, #Rock, #AlternativeRock
#greatalbums1990s #alternativerock #rock #reviews #lp #Music #albums #americanthighs #verucasalt
#AprilAcrossAmerica gets to #Montana.
#SteveAlbini was raised in Missoula, perhaps it's where he gets his trademark wide open sound and huge drum crashes. He's worked on many hundreds of albums, most often in the grunge / post-grunge / rock space.
We join Steve with #VerucaSalt for their 1996 curio "Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt". Even on the pop songs, Steve Albini produces a noisy, difficult listen.
#verucasalt #SteveAlbini #montana #aprilacrossamerica
Momma - household name
Another reason to frequent a record store. This was recommended to me by the fine folks at Wanna Hear It Records in Watertown.
It's an interesting fusion of Juliana Hatfield (the leads harmonize together like Juliana sings with herself) and Veruca Salt (in terms of the guitar work).
#julianahatfield #verucasalt #momma #nowplaying #vinyl
wanted to play this all day but also wanted to wait until I cracked a beer
#NarcissistDictionary: “Your family needs to #apologize to me.”
#Apology demands are for imaginary slights, innocent misunderstandings and/or in-law boundary adjustments that wouldn’t be a big deal for reasonable normies. This is a power grab and domination move. It can also be a #DARVO and projection tactic. Meaning, the #MeghanMarkleisToxic demands an apology when held #accountable or is #exposed for their bad behavior. The perpetrator expects an apology from the victim.
As such, an apology doesn’t resolve the “issue” because the real issue is the character pathology of a #ClusterB #PersonalityDisorder. In other words, it won’t stop or get better.
Basically, “Your family needs to apologize to me” translates to “Bend the knee; kiss the ring.” And if you oblige their initial outrageous #ego, #ControlFreak, #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic #VerucaSalt demands, it opens the floodgates for more of the same and far worse.
I’ve worked with families desperate to reconcile with their sons, grandsons, brothers and uncles who’ve married a #MeghanMarkle type. It’s heartbreaking. In many ways it’s similar to losing a family member to a #cult. If you try to defend yourself or point how destructive the relationship is, it “proves” the #NPD, #BPD, #HPD #FalseNarrative grievances. Apologizing to “keep the peace” also fuels the false narrative grievances.
There’s not much these families can do until or unless the “#PrinceHarry” recognizes how they’re being abused, manipulated, exploited, isolated and estranged. Sadly, this usually doesn’t occur until they’ve been #devalued, #discarded and become the victim of a #FalseAccusation of #DomesticViolence and #ParentalAlienation.
However, in #PrinceSpareMe’s case, I suspect he has some Cluster B pathology of his own. In fact, I’m beginning to think it’s a NPD-BPD coupling. In which case, when they finally turn on each other it’s going to get UGLY, or rather, UGLIER.
#narcissistdictionary #apologize #apology #darvo #meghanmarkleistoxic #accountable #exposed #clusterb #personalitydisorder #ego #controlfreak #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #verucasalt #MeghanMarkle #cult #npd #bpd #hpd #falsenarrative #princeharry #devalued #discarded #falseaccusation #domesticviolence #parentalalienation #princespareme #abusehasnogender
Happy birthday LOUISE POST!
Vocalist and guitarist of Veruca Salt
(December 7, 1966) #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInMusicHistory #VerucaSalt #alternativerock #musicnews
#musicnews #alternativerock #verucasalt #onthisdayinmusichistory #onthisday
Zangeres en gitariste Nina Gordon. Samen met Louise Post richtte ze in 92 Veruca Salt op. Gordon schreef hun hit Seether in 94. In de jaren dat de groep even stil lag maakte ze ook 2 solo albums. #ninagordon #verucasalt #nonkelmuziek #muziek
#muziek #nonkelmuziek #verucasalt #ninagordon
Back on my early-mid 1990s bullshit again #np #nowplaying #tootradio #verucasalt
#verucasalt #tootradio #nowplaying #np