中間俊秀「nakama toshi」of ベスタクス「besutakusu」Vestax passed away!

Rest in power.

Vestax was instrumental in many technological improvements to turntablism over the decades.

Here's a farewell Mark Settle wrote in 2014 about the end of the company with some photographs of Toshi.

As far as I know, Toshi Nakama was not involved with stpVx which was instead founded by another former Vestax member
HIDESATO SHIINO (stpvestax.com)

#中間俊秀 #toshinakama #ベスタクス #vestax #turntablism #hiphop #skratchdeejays #deejayculture

Last updated 1 year ago

Newton · @Newton
17 followers · 39 posts · Server djs.social

After realising that digital DJing was actually the future and leaving my vinyl snobbery behind, I decided to invest in the Spin 2. Lovely bit bit of kit!

#setupsunday #vestax

Last updated 2 years ago