I earned a new Meniere’s merit badge today: First Drop Attack! 🙌
I was half way down the stairs when it happens, fell into the wall, and managed to get to the bottom without harming myself. For the minority of sufferers that experience them, they often manifest in the later stages. So on the upside, I may be close to being through this thing; the downside is that I can’t now drive for a while.
#MenieresDisease #VestibularDysfunction #DropAttack #ChronicIllness
#menieresdisease #vestibulardysfunction #dropattack #chronicillness
Some of my meds have dual action for my #cPTSD and neuropathic (only) pain.
Haven’t been able to get my meds for few weeks & the longer I go without, the harder it is to climb out of this deficit.
Luckily long half-life lithium is preventing #SelfHarm and active suicidal ideation.
#auspol #Poverty #CostOfLiving #DSP #Centrelink #RaiseTheRate #Arthritis #Inflammation #ChronicPain #VestibularDysfunction
#cptsd #selfharm #auspol #poverty #costofliving #dsp #centrelink #raisetherate #arthritis #inflammation #chronicpain #vestibulardysfunction
The penny finally dropped why my #Neuropathic pain has been kicking my ass for weeks now.
Hopefully in a few weeks I can afford the fuel and #spoons for the 130km round trip to get back on my meds.
When you live in a fog of pain, disability and malnutrition things get a little harder to see.
#auspol #Poverty #CostOfLiving #DSP #Centrelink #RaiseTheRate #BTPM #cPTSD #ChronicPain #VestibularDysfunction
#neuropathic #spoons #auspol #poverty #costofliving #dsp #centrelink #raisetherate #BTPM #cptsd #chronicpain #vestibulardysfunction