#archeologie #vestiges #plongée
#archeologie #vestiges #plongee #bretagne
Today's poem:
- by DH Lawrence
#cypresses #etruscans #romans #vestiges #slander #remembrances #resonance #history #landscape #tuscany
#cypresses #Etruscans #romans #vestiges #slander #remembrances #resonance #history #landscape #tuscany
Visages en ruines
Images de la Turquie
#Monuments #Naturemorte #NB #Objets #Ruijnes #Turquie #Vestiges
#monuments #natureMorte #nb #objets #ruijnes #turquie #vestiges
The report was not clear.
-You say there was a civilization on that planet?
-Intelligent beings?
-Well, that's hard to say. What do you mean intelligent?
The supervisor sighed.
-Language? Record keeping? Advanced tech?
-Oh yes. We have seen at least #vestiges of all that, although their tech was basic. They might have gotten there.
-If they had more time?
-If they hadn't wrecked their ecosystems.
-Not intelligent then. Dismissed.
#MastoPrompt #microfiction #vestiges
It slid off
One day
The last #vestiges
Of the
You had
Hidden behind
For so
Bricking yourself away
From the world
I held
Onto you
For so
Until you fell asleep
And when we
There was a
That we
As what
It feels like
When you are
#vestiges #MastoPrompt #smallpoems #poetry #vestige
A home town visit tradition,
a reunion of returned.
Consoling trials endured.
Rewarding honours earned.
Vestiges of friendships,
scattered round the floor.
Recounting sacred memories,
wishing there were more.
Wondering where I am now,
as I map abandoned dreams.
Seeing eyes of hidden changes,
wondering what they mean.
Were we a force of nature?
A wind to be endured.
A will to be accounted,
or a vote to be ensured.
We thought we’d be a tidal wave.
To shape the course of man.
Turns out we’re just mortal men.
Just waves upon the sand.
But content within our little lives.
The smiles of the wise.
Families raised, sunshine days.
Kind and loving wives.
#poetry #Poem
#MastoPrompt #Vestiges
#Christmas #MerryChristmas
For more follow @Swan
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#reunion #poetry #poem #MastoPrompt #vestiges #christmas #merrychristmas
#télérama #sortir "Au bois de Vincennes, l'épineux dossier des vestiges coloniaux laissés à l'abandon" #Paris #Vincennes #vestiges ... https://www.telerama.fr/sortir/vestiges-des-expositions-coloniales-au-bois-de-vincennes-est-ce-ainsi-que-l-histoire-s-oublie-7010907.php
#télérama #sortir #paris #vincennes #vestiges
#télérama #sortir "Au bois de Vincennes, l'épineux dossier des vestiges coloniaux laissés à l'abandon" #Paris #Vincennes #vestiges ... https://www.telerama.fr/sortir/vestiges-des-expositions-coloniales-au-bois-de-vincennes-est-ce-ainsi-que-l-histoire-s-oublie-7010907.php
#vestiges #vincennes #paris #sortir #télérama
#télérama #sortir "Au bois de Vincennes, l'épineux dossier des vestiges coloniaux laissés à l'abandon" #Paris #Vincennes #vestiges ... https://www.telerama.fr/sortir/vestiges-des-expositions-coloniales-au-bois-de-vincennes-est-ce-ainsi-que-l-histoire-s-oublie-7010907.php
#vestiges #vincennes #paris #sortir #télérama
« Toute découverte fortuite d'objets ou de #vestiges archéologiques doit obligatoirement faire l'objet d'une déclaration immédiate en mairie et à la Direction régionale des affaires culturelles - Service régional de l'#archéologie, et toutes les mesures de conservation provisoire doivent être mises en œuvre. »