GreyNomad · @greynomad
2 followers · 53 posts · Server
Cleo of Topless Topics · @toplesstopics
708 followers · 6741 posts · Server

new tiktok.


had to take my four year old to the last night for a sudden intense headache, and now I get to look forward to a thousands-dollar bill for a two hour visit. even with employer sponsored the in this s**thole country quickly rack up. but by all means, keep voting for Republicans who oppose , who continue to make things ever easier for to rake in money while people who can't afford cancer treatments or insulin die in the streets, while they rob women of bodily autonomy and force them to carry r*pist's babies, even when those babies don't develop vital organs, or place the mother's life in immediate danger, and of course those same repubs consistently vote against any assistance for those same babies AFTER they're born--to say nothing of doing all they can to make it easier and easier for some cis white male to buy guns and shoot up an elementary school the next day... yes, vote for those same repubs who LITERALLY TODAY just voted to cut , because being the country that pays the most for yet has worse results than many other countries that DO pay to keep their citizens healthy makes total sense 🙃

🫗 glug glug!

#emergencyroom #healthinsurance #medicalbills #universalhealthcare #bigpharma #veteranbenefits #healthcare

Last updated 2 years ago

Theresa Aldrich "Tbird" · @tbird
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

Supreme Court held on Mon that a 1-year timeframe for military veterans to apply for retroactive disability benefits is firm deadline that cannot be extended under a doctrine known as “equitable tolling”

#veteranbenefits #equitabletolling #retroactivepay

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Corcoran :mastodon: · @RedTRaccoon
1935 followers · 29 posts · Server

The Department of Veterans Affairs Starts Early Review of Claims for Veterans With Terminal Illnesses Under the PACT Act

The VA announced that it would move up processing for dying veterans immediately.

In addition to terminally ill veterans, anyone with cancer; experiencing homelessness; older than 85; experiencing financial hardship; or a Medal of Honor or Purple Heart recipient will have processing priority.

#veteranbenefits #veterans #pactact

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Corcoran :mastodon: · @RedTRaccoon
3532 followers · 59 posts · Server

The Department of Veterans Affairs Starts Early Review of Claims for Veterans With Terminal Illnesses Under the PACT Act

The VA announced that it would move up processing for dying veterans immediately.

In addition to terminally ill veterans, anyone with cancer; experiencing homelessness; older than 85; experiencing financial hardship; or a Medal of Honor or Purple Heart recipient will have processing priority.

#veteranbenefits #veterans #pactact

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Corcoran :mastodon: · @RedTRaccoon
1932 followers · 29 posts · Server

The Department of Veterans Affairs Starts Early Review of Claims for Veterans With Terminal Illnesses Under the PACT Act

The VA announced that it would move up processing for dying veterans immediately.

In addition to terminally ill veterans, anyone with cancer; experiencing homelessness; older than 85; experiencing financial hardship; or a Medal of Honor or Purple Heart recipient will have processing priority.

#veteranbenefits #veterans #pactact

Last updated 2 years ago

Shell Sheddy · @ShellSheddy
236 followers · 744 posts · Server