@SusiAnsujali @tagesschau Industriestrom ist auch nur Umverteilung von unten nach oben!
#WasFehlt: Verbraucherstrom bzw. erslatzlose Streichungen von #Subventionen!
Und nein, nicht jeder streit...
Die #SPD & #GRÜNE haben das #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz zum #Fremdbestimmungsgesetz sabotiert, inkl. faschistische Kackshice alla @bamf - #Veto und #Doxxing der Betroffenen!
#doxxing #veto #fremdbestimmungsgesetz #selbstbestimmungsgesetz #grune #spd #Subventionen #wasfehlt
@michaela effektiv ist das kein #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz sondern ein #Fremdbestimmungsgesetz mit staatlichem #Doxxing und verfassungwidrigem #Veto durch #BAMF!
Dabei ist die Datenlage eindeutig:
Es gibt keine Gefahr warum dies rechtzufertigen sei, faktisch #RosaListen zu pushen!
#rosalisten #bamf #veto #doxxing #fremdbestimmungsgesetz #selbstbestimmungsgesetz
La chasse saoudienne en mauvaise posture après les vétos allemands et japonais. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/la-chasse-saoudienne-en-mauvaise-posture-apres-les-vetos-allemands-et-japonais — #diplomatie #véto #typhoontranche4 #globalcombatairprogramme #allemagne #japon #arabiesaoudite
#diplomatie #veto #typhoontranche4 #globalcombatairprogramme #allemagne #japon #arabiesaoudite
Der #FDP schmeckt die eigene Medizin nicht. Tja... #Paus #Veto #Steuerentlastungspaket
#fdp #Paus #veto #steuerentlastungspaket
North Carolina lawmakers override governor's vetoes of bills targeting transgender youth https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/17/north-carolina-lawmakers-override-governors-vetoes-of-bills-targeting-transgender-youth/ #NorthCarolina #Transgender #Schools #Sports #GenderIdentity #RoyCooper #Veto #Supermajority #LGBTQ #politicaliq #news #politics
#northcarolina #transgender #schools #sports #genderidentity #roycooper #veto #supermajority #lgbtq #politicaliq #News #politics
Big Brother 25 Episode 3 Podcast.
We talk POV, thoughts on the upcoming eviction and discuss the live feeds.
#BB25 #BigBrother #BigBrother25 #TheChallenge #wedgie #BB25LUKE #Survivor #CBS #RealityTV #veto
#veto #realitytv #cbs #survivor #bb25luke #wedgie #TheChallenge #bigbrother25 #bigbrother #bb25
The Governor of Wisconsin has the power to veto individual words, numbers and punctuation marks in a
#USA #Wisconsin #Government #Governor #power #veto #facts #QI #notQI
#usa #wisconsin #government #governor #power #veto #facts #qi #notqi
Voters in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
Fought hard and stopped the Republicans' mission
Governor Evers and Josh Shapiro
Ushered in a new mandate with the line-item veto
#wisconsin #pennsylvania #veto #politics #poetry
#wisconsin #pennsylvania #veto #politics #poetry
Je vais poster ici ma série science et nature :)
Tous les jeux et puzzles présentés ici sont dispo ou renouvelables si vous êtes intéressé•es.
Précisions : tout est fait à la main, en bois de récup (chutes des magasins de bricolage, planches de grange, palettes...) ou en bois de mon jardin. Pas de découpe ni gravure laser, les *défauts* font partie du charme :)
#science #nature #animaux #wildlife #biology #biologie #medecine #sagefemme #doctor #midwife #doula #véto #foret #forest #woodwork
#Science #nature #animaux #wildlife #biology #biologie #medecine #SageFemme #doctor #midwife #doula #veto #foret #forest #woodwork
#Texas: #GovernorAbbott Threatens to #Veto Every Bill Until He Gets What He Wants
Slashing millions in funds aimed to mitigate flooding in Central Florida hits #Disney where its employees live. It's not a direct blow, but it's typical of how #DeSantis used his #veto power, which included vetoing a number of projects in Sarasota, where State Sen. Joe #Gruter, a very conservative Republican, has endorsed former President Donald #Trump over DeSantis.
#disney #desantis #veto #gruter #trump
Louisiana governor says he intends to veto anti-LGBTQ+ bills including ban on gender-affirming care
#APNews #Louisiana #LGBTQ #Veto #AntiLGBTQBills #GenderAffirmingCare #TransRights #Equality #HumanRights #Politics #News
#apnews #louisiana #lgbtq #veto #antilgbtqbills #genderaffirmingcare #transrights #equality #humanrights #politics #news
Crash street flooding project on Council agenda :
#AlexisCalatayud #Budget #ChadFriedman #drainage #flooding #HB718 #K8basin #MetroExpress #referendum #RonDesantis #sealevelrise #SteveWilliamson #veto #VickiLopez
#Miami #news
#alexiscalatayud #budget #chadfriedman #drainage #flooding #hb718 #k8basin #metroexpress #referendum #rondesantis #sealevelrise #stevewilliamson #veto #vickilopez #miami #News
Senate Votes to Overturn Student Loan Forgiveness Plan; Biden Promises Veto https://politicaliq.com/2023/06/01/senate-votes-to-overturn-student-loan-forgiveness-plan-biden-promises-veto/ #Senate #StudentDebt #StudentLoans #Biden #Veto #Congress #DepartmentofEducation #CBO #politicaliq #news #politics
#senate #StudentDebt #studentloans #biden #veto #congress #departmentofeducation #cbo #politicaliq #News #politics
#Senate votes to repeal #Biden #studentloanforgiveness; #WhiteHouse plans a #veto
#senate #biden #studentloanforgiveness #whitehouse #veto
Il devient inutile pour l'opposition de continuer d'aller siéger dans cette chambre d'enregistrement des caprices du Président des Riches.
Vol des #Retraites #Veto #Article40 #49.3
Xbox maker's appeal
Tries to break the stalemate
Offers a chance to mend
The feud for hopeful ends
#microsoft #activision #uk #veto #feud #cinquain #poetry
Hungary and Poland are mounting a push to retain the unanimity rule in the European Union's foreign and security policy, a blunt response to a recently formed coalition that is pressing to adopt qualified majority and put an end to the veto power.
Hungary, in particular, has been heavily criticised for repeatedly using this power to obstruct key agreements.
#EU #Hungary #Poland #Belgium #Finland #France #Germany #Italy #Luxembourg #Netherlands #Slovenia #Spain #Veto
#veto #spain #slovenia #Netherlands #luxembourg #Italy #Germany #France #Finland #belgium #poland #Hungary #EU