RT @commondefense@twitter.com

@BernieSanders@twitter.com Senator @BernieSanders@twitter.com was the very first Presidential candidate to sign our pledge.

He’s consistently stood strong to defend Social Security, Medicare, and Veterans benefits.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/commondefense/stat

#vetsforbernie #endforeverwar

Last updated 5 years ago

RT @commondefense@twitter.com

@BernieSanders@twitter.com We’re organizing hard to build a powerful movement to . Join us by texting VETERAN to 40649.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/commondefense/stat

#endforeverwar #vetsforbernie

Last updated 5 years ago

RT @_waleedshahid@twitter.com

JOHN MCCAIN: “[@BernieSanders@twitter.com] and I negotiated very tough negotiations on a bill to reform the VA. I will say this: we are philosophically different but Bernie was an honest man.”

“I would allege that I’m one of the first to feel the Bern.”

🐦🔗: twitter.com/_waleedshahid/stat

#VetsAgainstTrump #vetsforbernie #notmeus #Bernie2020

Last updated 5 years ago