@LizDye Great article on The Orange One's latest lolsuit!
Besides the whole admitting-to-crimes thing, it seems odd to me that he would want to open himself up to discovery by Cohen. Because if there's anyone who knows where the really good dirt in Trump's files is, wouldn't it be his former fixer... ?
The article's here, for those who haven't seen it:
#consequences #vexatiouslitigant #soreloser
Global News BC: City of Kelowna takes aim at ‘freedom rallies’ and their organizer https://globalnews.ca/news/9419269/freedom-rallies-organizer-focus-bc-city-lawsuit/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vexatiouslitigant #FreedomRallies #CityofKelowna #Anti-mandate #Anti-Vaccine #DavidLindsay #Covid19 #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vexatiouslitigant #freedomrallies #cityofkelowna #anti #davidlindsay #COVID19 #crime