This is a niche one but if anyone needs a hyperscript renderer more geared for an HTML-based workflow than JSX, I forked @developit’s excellent vhtml to implement a few things I need for Kitten¹.
Main differences so far:
- Style tags are no longer escaped
- Boolean HTML attributes are emitted correctly (without ="true")
You probably want Jason’s original but putting this out there in case it helps anyone else.
Kitten¹ ❤️ HTML :)
Over the weekend, I migrated Kitten from htm ( to xhtm (
Among other things, you no longer have to close all your tags (<hr> instead of <hr />).
I want to take the opportunity to thank Dmitry Ivanov for working with me over the weekend and making eight releases over the last four days based on issues I uncovered while testing in #Kitten
#dev #web #markup #vhtml #htm #xhtm #html #SmallWeb #kitten