#throwbackthursday #sevilla #2015 #andalusia #peregrina #viadelaplata #vdlp #caminodesantiago
In 2013 I stumbled upon the idea of the Camino de Santiago while at work. Picked up a magazine during my tea break and next thing this idea would not leave me alone. There are many routes not just the French route and I decided to walk the VDLP as 1. It was over 1000km and if I only ever did one hike in my life, this was a good number 2. It was an old Roman highway and I studied Latin at high school
3.It wasn't a popular route with a ton of infrastructure. I would actually have to interact with the locals in Spanish.
4. I would get to learn a little Spanish :)
#throwbackthursday #sevilla #andalusia #peregrina #viadelaplata #vdlp #caminodesantiago
🥾 Los:as #peregrinos:as de #ALCERSalamanca han recorrido este pasado #finDeSemana la #ruta #VíaDeLaPlata desde #Salamanca hasta #ElCuboDeTierraDelVino (#Zamora).
Pronto retomarán el camino hacia #santiago
#peregrinos #alcersalamanca #findesemana #ruta #viadelaplata #salamanca #elcubodetierradelvino #zamora #santiago