Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Nature #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Pigeons #WoodPigeons #Ducks #MallardDucks #Butterflies #Lepidoptery #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #UrbanNature #CityWildlife
#birdingphotography #citywildlife #urbannature #railwayhistory #viaducts #lepidoptery #butterflies #mallardducks #ducks #woodpigeons #pigeons #birdphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #nature #wildlife #countryside #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
I usually don't ride this section of #BarburBlvd downhill since the bike lanes vanish over the #viaducts. (Terwilliger -> Capitol brings you into this at 02:13.) But either way, you must occupy the full lane somewhere. Imagine if the curb lanes were #transit priority / turn-only lanes, this could be so much nicer overnight. #ODOTGTFOpdx
#barburblvd #viaducts #transit #odotgtfopdx
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. These are just a few of many birds he saw today, both on his walk out and in the Dighty Burn wooded river valley. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Countryside #Nature #Photographs #Rural #Birdstodon #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotographs #BirdingPhotographs #Sparrows #Gulls #JuvenileBirds #WoodPigeons #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #UrbanNature #CityWildlife
#citywildlife #urbannature #railwayhistory #viaducts #woodpigeons #juvenilebirds #gulls #sparrows #birdingphotographs #birdphotographs #birding #birds #birdstodon #rural #photographs #nature #countryside #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Photography #Photographs #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Trees #Flowers #Viaducts #Goldfinch #Goldfinches #Thrush #SongThrush #Thurshes #SongThrushes #Birdstodon #TreeStumps #Countryside #Nature #UrbanCountryside #Rural #RailwayHistory #ThrushBirds
#thrushbirds #railwayhistory #rural #urbancountryside #nature #countryside #treestumps #birdstodon #songthrushes #thurshes #songthrush #thrush #goldfinches #goldfinch #viaducts #flowers #trees #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #photographs #photography #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. The #birds weren't very visible on what was an extremely hot day here. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Scotland #Photography #Birds #Birdstodon #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Countryside #Wildlife #Ducks #Mallards #MallardDucks #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Butterflies #Pigeons #WoodPigeons
#woodpigeons #pigeons #butterflies #viaducts #railwayhistory #mallardducks #mallards #ducks #wildlife #countryside #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birdstodon #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #birds #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Flowers #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Birdstodon #Orchids #Whitethroats #Whitethroat #Blackbird #Blackbirds #Nature
#nature #blackbirds #blackbird #whitethroat #whitethroats #orchids #birdstodon #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #viaducts #railwayhistory #flowers #wildlife #countryside #photography #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Photographs #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Lepidoptery #Moths #DipperBirds #Dippers #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #IndustrialHistory #IndustrialLandscape #Woods #RiverValley #Nature #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus
#angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #nature #rivervalley #woods #industriallandscape #industrialhistory #railwayhistory #viaducts #dippers #dipperbirds #moths #lepidoptery #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #wildlife #countryside #photography #photographs #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
3/3 train viaducts in Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. This one is Starrucca Viaduct, Susquehanna, PA and has an amazing back story!
#viaducts #architecture #nature
2/3 train viaducts in Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. This one is Tunkhannock Creek Viaduct, Nicholson, PA.
#photography #viaducts #architecture #nature
1/3 train viaducts in Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA. This one is Martins Creek Viaduct, Kingsley, PA.
#photography #viaducts #architecture #nature
We visited Waterrow Viaduct today, where the railway from Taunton to Barnstaple, originally the Devon & Somerset Railway and later part of the GWR, crossed the River Tone. Opened in 1873, the line was broad gauge when built. The viaduct was 162 yards long and 101 feet high. The line closed in 1966, but the decking wasn't removed until 1971.
Of all the lines I never got to travel on, this is the one I'd most wish to ride, through beautiful countryside to the sea.
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Countryside #Wildlife #Birds #Birding #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Mallards #MallardDucks #Ducks #Flowers #CrabApple #Blossom #Sparrows #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Viaduct
#viaduct #viaducts #railwayhistory #sparrows #blossom #crabapple #flowers #ducks #mallardducks #mallards #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #birding #birds #wildlife #countryside #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some #photos from my husband's Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Countryside #Photography #Photographs #Wildlife #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Hawthorn #Ducks #MallardDucks #Dippers #DipperBirds #RailwayHistory #Viaducts
#viaducts #railwayhistory #dipperbirds #dippers #mallardducks #ducks #hawthorn #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #wildlife #photographs #photography #countryside #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
Some of my husbandâs #photos from his Saturday afternoon walk in the wooded river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Angus #Photography #Wildlife #Countryside #Butterfly #Butterflies #TortoiseshellButterfly #Chaffinch #Chaffinches #Bicycle #Bicycles #Bike #Bikes #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #Birding #BirdingPhotography #BirdPhotography #Scotland
#birdphotography #birdingphotography #birding #railwayhistory #viaducts #bikes #bike #bicycles #bicycle #chaffinches #chaffinch #tortoiseshellbutterfly #butterflies #butterfly #countryside #wildlife #photography #angus #monifieth #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #photos
Some #photos from my husbandâs Friday afternoon #walk in the #wooded #river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Monifieth #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Birds #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Wren #Wrens #Ducks #Merganser #CommonMerganser #Viaducts #RailwayHistory #Spooky #Countryside #SpookyLandscape #Landscape
#landscape #spookylandscape #countryside #spooky #railwayhistory #viaducts #commonmerganser #merganser #ducks #wrens #wren #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #birds #angus #broughtyferry #monifieth #scotland #dundee #river #wooded #walk #photos
Photos from my husbandâs Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. He was really shocked when he came home. Possible signs of dipper infidelity! Not shown in these 4 photos, but there was a pairing up he didnât expect! #Angus #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Birds #BirdsPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Photography #Countryside #Scotland #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Chaffinches #Robins #Dippers #DipperBirds
#dipperbirds #dippers #robins #chaffinches #viaducts #railwayhistory #countryside #photography #birdingphotography #birding #birdsphotography #birds #monifieth #broughtyferry #angus #scotland #dundee #walk
#Photos from my husbandâs Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Angus #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Photography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Birds #BirdsPhotography #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #DipperBirds #Dippers #Blackbirds #WoodPigeons
#woodpigeons #blackbirds #dippers #dipperbirds #viaducts #railwayhistory #birdsphotography #birds #birdingphotography #birding #photography #monifieth #broughtyferry #angus #scotland #dundee #walk #photos
#Photos from my husbandâs Saturday afternoon #walk to the wooded #river valley near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #Angus #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Birding #BirdingPhotography #Birds #BirdsPhotography #BirdPhotography #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #DipperBirds #Dunnocks #Ducks #MallardDucks #Photography #Countryside
#countryside #photography #mallardducks #ducks #dunnocks #dipperbirds #viaducts #railwayhistory #birdphotography #birdsphotography #birds #birdingphotography #birding #monifieth #broughtyferry #angus #scotland #dundee #river #walk #photos
Photos from my husbandâs Saturday afternoon #walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland. #BroughtyFerry #Angus #Monifieth #BirdPhotography #Birding #BirdingPhotography #RailwayHistory #Viaducts #Foxes #Dippers #DipperBirds #Robin #RobinRedBreast #RobinBirds #Wildlife
#wildlife #robinbirds #robinredbreast #robin #dipperbirds #dippers #foxes #viaducts #railwayhistory #birdingphotography #birding #birdphotography #monifieth #angus #broughtyferry #scotland #dundee #walk
A few of my husbandâs photos from his Saturday afternoon walk near our home in eastern #Dundee, #Scotland.
#Angus #BroughtyFerry #Monifieth #Birding #BirdingScotland #Birds #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #GreatTits #BlueTits #Magpies #Viaducts #RailwayHistory
#birdphotography #birds #railwayhistory #viaducts #magpies #bluetits #greattits #birdingphotography #birdingscotland #birding #monifieth #broughtyferry #angus #scotland #dundee