OK so... there IS some kind of "High Frequency Rail" program or construction in the work?? They're seeking someone to build out the project.
This is a good video on the current issue and pushback from airlines as well:
From that video:
"Getting up and running fast, instead of GOING fast" Yes, agreed!!
07:49 (rail trail)
Hm, but taking over biking pathways would be sad :(
#ViaRail #TrainTravel #CanadaRail #HighSpeedRail #Alstom #Rail
#viarail #TrainTravel #canadarail #highspeedrail #alstom #rail
Europeans would be shocked that your bags are weighed on #ViaRail before you board. And that there's bag limits (2), with size and weight limits. Two things I've never experienced train traveling across europe. #traintraveleurope #traintravel
#viarail #traintraveleurope #TrainTravel
@sdague cool. Just last week out of curiosity I was trying to see if was possible to do a Halifax-Bar Harbor-Boston trip using buses, trains and ferries. Apparently it is possible but requires taking a airport-type shuttle from Halifax to Yarmouth (#viarail train stopped in 1990) and then a twice a day commuter bus to Bangor. Really surprised there’s not a Thruway bus from the Downeaster train to Bar Harbor. #Amtrak
Europeans would be shocked that your bags are weighed on #ViaRail before you board. And that there's bag limits (2), with size and weight limits. Two things I've never experienced train traveling across europe. #traintraveleurope #traintravel
#viarail #traintraveleurope #TrainTravel
I've been waiting for you to reach the end of your very interesting thread, @jfmezei , before asking my question. Maybe now's the moment.
Having looked at the changes made by the #REM to the Gare Centrale, do you think it's now impossible for the #VIARail HFR line to end there?
I suppose with the REM occupying the tunnel under the mountain, it would be impossible for the HFR to reach the station from the north on any case...
#rem #viarail #montreal #trains
@jfmezei #HFR will be the biggest investment in Canadian passenger rail in decades, no? It seems likely that the feds will use a design-build approach for construction; it's possible they envision having a private partner for operations and maintenance, but I haven't heard anything about that.
The Trudeau ministry already funded replacement of the #VIARail fleet, so I think they're committed to passenger rail.
#hfr #viarail #canpol #cdnpoli #trains
Best way to travel, in my opinion. Although it seems to have become more expensive in recent years! #train #travel #viarail #teamoffsite
#train #travel #viarail #teamoffsite
The main reason I prefer the train is: when it moves, it MOVES. We were doing a consistent 150km/h until hitting the first station. No issues from bus or car or other such traffic... except for CN traffic I suppose (when it comes).
I'd love to visit these small towns by train, but that seems economically absurd without some kind of "unlimited" or multi-pass.
Really, the Canada 150 pass was the one opportunity for that, and I know many people did exactly that kind of travel.
@oclsc I also could not find a "click to connect" button anywhere, gave up, and hotspotted with my phone. On mobile (Android, phone, Bromite) however, I had no issue authenticating through their mobile interface... perhaps they just care about that more. Could auth through that and spoof your laptop MAC address, of your phone MAC, after.
#Viarail as a whole needs major upgrades. I still love riding by train... but Euro-rail and Japan rail rides have set my standards high, it seems.
#viarail 's wifi almost never works. They can't get their captive portal to come up, they datavalet people can't implement RFC8908. So many dark zones, my LTE does better. It used to work reliably before Bell/Datavalet got involved.
I'm just gonna #arbitrarily assume that the guy watching #JoeRogan on my #VIArail #train to #Ottawa is the one leaving piss on the seat in the bathroom .
#arbitrarily #joerogan #viarail #train #ottawa #passengerrail #transit
Have just been required to check my bag on the #viarail train today. Which doesn't offer a checked bag or bike service 😵
Once again very confused as to why #RaceAcrossTheWorld is ignoring the existence of #ViaRail ! This time from quebec to nova Scotia...