"The capital income distributed to wealthy people is a bigger drain on the disposable income of workers than the tax-and-transfer system is, generally speaking." #MattBruenig https://mattbruenig.com/2023/08/27/oliver-anthony-and-distributive-justice/
“Elon Musk was the Chicxulub asteroid that doomed the social-media dinosaurs… Mastodons are mammals; unlike mastodons, the players in the Fediverse aren’t huge, they are the little furry mammals scurrying around those unsteady dinosaur feet.” @timbray https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2023/08/12/Mastodon-Checkin
"incoming competitors need to update their *oppo *research. Traditional finance isn't the oaf that it is so often made out to be. It already has the technological capability for doing instant cross-border payments, which means the rebels will have to find other factors to differentiate themselves by." @jpkoning https://jpkoning.blogspot.com/2023/07/elon-musks-understanding-of-payments.html
Meeting fixed overhead, with special attention to price discrimination, dominates how firms think about prices and wages, rather than the marginalist analysis of economic theory, writes #ArnoldKling https://arnoldkling.substack.com/p/the-marginal-revolution-is-dead
#arnoldkling #economics #viarss
"Elementary school students are about 2-3 months behind their pre-COVID selves, while middle-school kids are more like 4-6 months behind. What's even worse is that in the current school year they appear to be falling even further behind" #KevinDrum https://jabberwocking.com/covid-really-did-a-number-on-americas-kids/
// seems not so consistent with the thesis that school closure / remote schooling is the sole culprit here, although of course it may play a role. there has been a lot of trauma and disruption.
"Neoliberal capitalism has done much more damage to the traditional English way of life than 'cultural Marxism' or 'wokesters' ever have." #ChrisDillow on small 'c' conservative which belongs neither to "left" nor "right" https://stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_mumbling/2023/07/on-being-conservative.html
Well put by #KevinDrum: "companies in similar industries have entered into a toxic equilibrium where all of them offer lousy service in identical ways." https://jabberwocking.com/corporate-bureaucracy-is-the-worst-bureaucracy/
the humble comma as a very simple namespace for UNIX scripts and custom commands.
"Start all of your commands with a comma" by @brandon_rhodes https://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2009/commands-with-comma/
"I'm sure a very nice book with obvious conclusions could be written about which laws are just ignored and which ones are enforced mercilessly." @Atrios https://www.eschatonblog.com/2023/04/how-does-that-work.html #ViaRSS
“We must avoid the schoolteacher attitude to politics and business, marking the work of politicians and businessmen as if it were a test of intellectual ability and singling out the best and worst students. Instead, we must consider institutions. Do we have those institutions which help filter out incompetence and bias, or which are resilient to error? The answer, for now, is: no.” #ChrisDillow https://stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_mumbling/2023/04/when-clever-people-do-stupid-things.html #ViaRSS
About as pithy a summary as you are going to get of how social affairs work and evolve, from @DanLittle https://understandingsociety.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-diachronic-social.html
America's emerging Great Firewall gets a beta test at — of course — Florida public colleges and universities. TikTok, WeChat, VKontakte, etc are banned from university networks. https://ncfcatalyst.com/congressional-opposition-to-tiktok-finds-testing-ground-on-florida-university-campuses/
"the 'hard numbers' found in CBO’s baseline tables conceal all the assumptions and uncertainties involved in producing them." #PhilipRocco https://prospect.org/economy/2023-04-06-congress-prisoners-of-their-own-device/
Neu im Blog: Smartphone entgoogeln mit Kaffee & Kuchen https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/datenschutzcafe_15032023 #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, EDRi! https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/podcast-20-jahre-edri #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Dunkelrote Roben und bohrende Fragen https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/perso-ohne-finger-eugh-anhoerung #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Wir sprechen vor dem EuGH https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/persoohnefinger-wir-sprechen-vor-eugh #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Chatkontrolle vor dem Bundestag https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/chatkontrolle-bundestag-scanner #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Petition gegen Chatkontrolle https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/chatkontrolle-petition #viaRSS
Neu im Blog: Jugend gegen Chatkontrolle https://digitalcourage.de/blog/2023/chatkontrolle-jugend-studie #viaRSS