Dominik Lücking from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology takes a deep dive into marine metagenomes to figure out what all the "other" stuff that we don't analyse really is
Luca Nishimura from the National Institute of Genetics in Japan is sequencing ancient viruses... It's not easy to get ancient DNA
Lygeri Sakellaridi from University of Würzburg introducing grandR for exploring metabolic labelling
Amazing scRNAseq analysis of SARS-CoV-2 by breaking down cells into pseudotime... Time relative to viral replication by Santiago Elena from CSIC-Universitat de València
Terry Jones from Charité Universitätsmedizin presenting their tool #gb2seq to pull out sequences from different sequence regions
Here's Terry's talk and presentation in case you want to play along at home
Amazing giant virus diversity described by Anh Ha from Virginia Tech
Rajitha Yasas Wijesekar from University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany telling us about Jaeger a new deep learning too to identify viral sequences in metagenomes
Excited to be back on the conference circuit for 2023. #ViBioM2023 in Valencia is in the heart of the city.
RT @EVirusBioinfC
We are happy to announce the final speaker in our list of keynote speakers! Rob Edwards @linsalrob will join us in Valencia at #ViBioM2023 to speak about the promise and pitfalls of #prophages. Registration is still open:
Studying #RNA #viruses / #bioinformatics?
-->>> Check this out! 👇 <<<---
#RdRpSummit is establishing a global, interoperable data standard to ensure computational RNA #virology is reproducible, sharable, and accelerate the time to science. Be part of the conversation 💘💘
22–23 May 2023 in Valencia) as a satellite meeting of #ViBioM2023
#RNA #viruses #bioinformatics #rdrpsummit #virology #vibiom2023