Hands-Free Compass Uses Haptic Feedback - If you’ve never experienced it before, getting turned around on a cloudy day in th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/05/hands-free-compass-uses-haptic-feedback/ #microcontroller #wearablehacks #raspberrypi #vibration #compass #motor #belt #pico
#pico #belt #motor #compass #vibration #raspberrypi #wearablehacks #microcontroller
Wenn ich mein #Galaxy #S20 FE auf #stumm oder #Vibration geschaltet habe und es wieder laut schalte, werden die #Benachrichtigungen nicht laut geschaltet. Sie bleiben auf Vibration oder stumm.
Hat jemand eine Idee, woran das liegen kann?
Boosten wäre nett. :)
#benachrichtigungen #vibration #stumm #s20 #galaxy
When God started talking about #frequency, #vibration, #ZeroPointEnergy, and all those things, it was like "this sounds weird - in fact it sounds really new age-y!" I didn't doubt the experience, I just didn't know what it was getting at...
Mike Parsons | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soyBWl0MoNE
#frequency #vibration #zeropointenergy
#physics #vibration #energy #frequency
J'adore :shibahearteyes:
En fixant un tuyau d'eau à un haut-parleur, on peut observer différents effets visuels spectaculaires à travers une caméra 24 ips en raison de l'effet stroboscopique créé par la synchronisation entre la fréquence de vibration et le taux de capture d'images.
(L'inventeur Nikola Tesla ne s'était pas trompé en déclarant que si nous voulons comprendre l'Univers, nous devons comprendre l'énergie, la fréquence et les vibrations.)
#physics #vibration #energy #frequency
#vibration : the act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion
- French: vibration
- German: die Vibration
- Italian: vibrazione
- Portuguese: vibração
- Spanish: vibración
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
Cellphones are ringed for who?!
PetitePuny is thankful the technology that has made possible he noticed by so many lovers ...
#Original_character #titboy #girl #age_difference #size_difference #harem #携帯電話 #mobile #phone #mobilephone #cellphone #femdom #同時にモバイル #mobairu #携帯電話 #Harem #sex
-Hallo!? Hey PetitePuny! Where are you? Why do you have not answered us yet? We bought so many cellphones for you so that you can answer to all of us simultaneously!...
#ringtone #vibration #cixidoru #6dr #original_character #titboy #girl #age_difference #size_difference #harem #携帯電話 #mobile #phone #mobilephone #cellphone #femdom #同時にモバイル #mobairu #sex
Adding this to complete the trinity of #StakesIsHigh videos. This is a tribute the late, great #JDilla -- with friends, family and an orchestra. #Love, #vibration 💙
#stakesishigh #jdilla #love #vibration
Ein absurderes #Produkt habe ich bisher eigentlich noch nicht gesehen. Anstatt die Hände kreisförmig zu bewegen, hält man das Akkuding an die Scheibe... 🤦🏼♂️ https://www.kaercher.com/de/home-garden/akku-fensterreiniger/wv-6-kv-4-premium-16335800.html
>Der vibrierende Akku-Wischer KV 4 inkl. elektrischem Wasseraustrag, #Vibration, 2. #Wischtuch und weiterem Zubehör löst den Schmutz – und der Fenstersauger WV 6 saugt die Restflüssigkeit ab.
#produkt #vibration #wischtuch
#Giselle in #lingerie remotely controls a #vibration #machine
It's fun to have a machine like that but I would be too scared to use it. Would you use it on yourself or your partner if you had one like that?
Requested by #RLinksoul 🎁✨
#giselle #lingerie #vibration #machine #rlinksoul #art #animation
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 💎✨
#TheWayofTBL #medium #article #energy #frequency #vibration #consciousness
#thewayoftbl #medium #article #energy #frequency #vibration #consciousness
Le garçon, visiblement plus au fait des caractéristiques physiques de la vibration, arrive à faire ce que son père ne sait pas faire. 😘 :shibahearteyes:
"SUFRIMIENTOS FINES" [Escrito Por HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #ending #fin #suffering #sufrimiento #souls #alma #crying #llorar #vibration #vibracion #changinglives #cambios
#cambios #changinglives #vibracion #vibration #llorar #crying #alma #souls #sufrimiento #suffering #fin #ending #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
"SUFFERING ENDINGS" [Written By HILBARROM] #poetry #poesía #poem #poema #writing #hilbarrom #escritos #writings #messages #mensajes #alphaomega #alfayomega #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #light #luz #dark #oscuro #ending #fin #suffering #sufrimiento #souls #alma #crying #llorar #vibration #vibracion #changinglives #cambios
#cambios #changinglives #vibracion #vibration #llorar #crying #alma #souls #sufrimiento #suffering #fin #ending #oscuro #dark #luz #light #blancoynegro #BlackAndWhite #alfayomega #alphaomega #mensajes #messages #writings #escritos #hilbarrom #writing #poema #poem #poesia #poetry
I don't think there is any accident to the fact that *all four* acting winners at the Oscars tonight went through some form of conflict with Hollywood, to a point that getting to the height of ever winning an Oscar seemed impossible.
The symmetry is inescapable. Vibrations at the same frequency. There is a lesson here, if people are paying attention:
#Movies #vibration #spritualprinciple #oscars
Also with long exposures and a heavy lens, even a the tiniest #vibration on the tripod can blur the image, even with the sharpest focus. Here’s the same image but cropping around Jupiter. You can see its four biggest satellites, (left to right: #Europa, #Io, #Ganymede and #Callisto, information courtesy of #Stellarium)
#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Winter #BackyardAstronomy #JovianSystem #Moons
#vibration #europa #io #ganymede #callisto #stellarium #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #winter #BackYardAstronomy #joviansystem #moons
New rehearsal space. Just a little bit concerned about the glass roof. #vibration
Want to unlock your chakras? Listen to Smooth Doubleb Afterlife: Chakra Activation to unlock your superpowers! Check it out here: https://hypeddit.com/smoothdoubleb/afterlifechakra #trending #trends #truth #truthsocial #spiritual #spirituality #music #musicvideo #meditate #meditation #fire #advice #energy #frequency #vibration #awakening #vibrate #social #socialmedia #win #dub
#dub #Win #SocialMedia #Social #vibrate #awakening #vibration #frequency #Energy #advice #fire #meditation #meditate #musicvideo #Music #spirituality #spiritual #TruthSocial #truth #trends #trending
Find what you #love and fill your days with those things. Anyone who has joined this group or visited this page, knows about one of the things I love passionately: Djembe #drumming WITH my relatively newly acquired #Djembe friends/family. The reason to fill your life with the things you love is, IMO, because when you're doing something you LOVE it changes your vibration. You put out from you body, heart, spirit a #vibration of love. It permeates your aura and the air around you. It naturally draws TO you other beings who are vibrating at the same level.
#Emotions set your vibrational level. When you wallow in negative emotions it weighs you down and can be palpable to everyone you come into contact with. Try to DECIDE to become positive. IT WORKS.
Counting my blessings and wishing all of you many days filled with what and WHO you love.
#love #drumming #djembe #vibration #emotions
Cymatics is the study of #sound and #vibration made visible, typically on the surface of a plate, diaphragm or membrane. From ancient Greek: κῦμα, meaning "wave", #Cymatics is a subset of modal vibrational phenomena. The study of visible sound and vibration.