What IS it about #VibroplexBug users that easily 75% of the time they demo calling CQ, they instead send CEK?
Dudes… #SendCleanMorseCode for Pete’s sake. Quit making your 1st dah of dah-dah-dit-dah so much freaking shorter than the other two dahs.
#vibroplexbug #sendcleanmorsecode
@w1wra Nice to see someone else with similar goals. Mine at least 1 daily #morsecode QSO this year plus in March 1 daily #morsecode #QSO using #vibroplexbug. March goal complete the other still intact.
The bug is clean BUT can I get it back together?!? #HamRadio #CW #morsecode #vibroplexbug
#HamRadio #cw #morsecode #vibroplexbug
40 meters not working in my favor this morning trying to have Pota #Parksontheair hunt to Thomas #K4SWL @QRPerDotCom at K-3378 / Blue Ridge National Parkway #AmateurRadio #hamradio #vibroplexbug #cwop #MorseCode
#morsecode #cwop #vibroplexbug #hamradio #amateurradio #k4swl #ParksOnTheAir
I spent the day sharpening my #morsecodeskills. The best way for me is to get on the air. Mistakes and all. #amateurradio #hamradio #morsecode #cwops #cwop #straightkey #cootiekey #sidesweeper #vibroplexbug #tentec #kr50
#kr50 #tentec #vibroplexbug #sidesweeper #cootiekey #straightkey #cwop #cwops #morsecode #hamradio #amateurradio #morsecodeskills
Aging should not be a barrier for learning anything new. #Vibroplexbug practice #vibroplexkey #vibroplex #morsecode #amateurradio #hamradio #CWop #cwops #cwoperator
#cwoperator #cwops #cwop #hamradio #amateurradio #morsecode #Vibroplex #vibroplexkey #vibroplexbug
All #amateurradio #hamradio shack #cw #morsecode #cwkeys & #cwpaddles are clean, polished, adjusted & ready for duty. 1 #qso with #vibroplex #vibroplexbug. A work in progress. This hobby is so GRAND!
#vibroplexbug #Vibroplex #qso #cwpaddles #cwkeys #morsecode #cw #hamradio #amateurradio
You will not beat me, you will not defeat me. You will be CONQUERED. I GOT THIS! @VibroplexLLC #vibroplex #vibroplexoriginalpresentation #vibroplexbug #cw #morsecode #cwops #cwop #amateurradio #hamradio
#hamradio #amateurradio #cwop #cwops #morsecode #cw #vibroplexbug #vibroplexoriginalpresentation #Vibroplex