The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2809 followers · 4749 posts · Server

I believe these tightly bunched blooms are from a , aka laurustinus, laurustine or laurestine, a species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae.

Native to the Mediterranean region, Viburnum tinus prefers shady, moist areas. Insects pollinate this shrub, I read with interest.

The detail and complexity of the flowering masses (see close-up; first pic), are something else.

These are everywhere in this city of … flowering profusely. And they give off a sweet pungent scent that can be smelled metres away on a full-blooming shrub.



#viburnumtinus #melbourne #ormond #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #downunder #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2687 followers · 4484 posts · Server

It is a , the laurustinus, laurustine or laurestine… sounds akin to a mouthwash huh (Oz audience will understand!)??

They’re in early bloom and there were half a dozen healthy looking specimens growing in this front yard in , so I expect these to be in full bloom in the next week or so.

Delicate, small and pretty looking flowers. Just gorgeous.


#viburnumtinus #mckinnon #austrlia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #downunder #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The viburnums are loaded this year, so the sweet aroma fills the air as you approach the house.

Looking for others experiences with hard pruning overgrown viburnum. Should it really be done over 3 years, or can bush recover if all hard pruned at once?

#viburnum #aromatic #flowers #pruning #viburnumtinus

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorenzo García Celada · @garcellor
8 followers · 26 posts · Server

Flores de invierno - Durillo

El durillo (Viburnum tinus) es un bello arbusto de hoja perenne muy abundante en los parques y jardines de la capital. Justo en estos está comenzando su floración por estas latitudes. Sus diminutas florecillas, blancas o rosadas, tienen cinco pétalos y se agrupan en inflorescencias con forma de pequeños paraguas.

El Capricho, Madrid, España. Febrero de 2023.

#garcellor #durillo #viburnumtinus #floresdeinvierno #elcapricho

Last updated 1 year ago