»40 urodziny Mileny Wójtowicz«
Polska pisarka oraz tłumaczka fantastyki, Milena Wójtowicz, przyszła na świat 4 lipca 1983 roku w Lublinie
#Fahrenheit_zin #MilenaWójtowicz #Postscriptum #Podatek #Załatwiaczka #Wrota #BardzoCzarnaDziura #Pomyłka #Zeznania #Głupiczłowiek #Najwspanialsizwspaniałych #WielkawyprawamałejŻaby #Wrota2 #ViceVersa #Zaplanujsobieśmierć #Ztobąbędzieinaczej
#fahrenheit_zin #milenawojtowicz #postscriptum #podatek #zalatwiaczka #wrota #bardzoczarnadziura #pomylka #zeznania #glupiczlowiek #najwspanialsizwspanialych #wielkawyprawamalejzaby #wrota2 #viceversa #zaplanujsobiesmierc #ztobabedzieinaczej
Ask me how I feel about the fact that the weekend is over (in Europe)! #InsideOut #ViceVersa #Disgust #DisneyParks 📸 Sept, 2022
#insideout #viceversa #disgust #disneyparks
Explore the Innovative Sounds of Korean Hip-Hop Through Our Spotify Singles Series ‘HAN’
Check it out! 👇
#Yeoho #Woogie #Viceversa #Spotify #Sokodomo #Smugglers #Saewoo #Royal #Polodared #Peejay #Mirani #Loopy #Krown #KoreanHipHop #Korea #KidMilli #KeithApe #Katie #KHipHop #JimmyPage #JayPark #Hiphopplaya #Han #FleekyBang #DonMills #Dok2 #Blase #Blacknut #CultureAndTrends
#yeoho #woogie #viceversa #spotify #sokodomo #smugglers #saewoo #royal #polodared #peejay #mirani #loopy #krown #koreanhiphop #korea #kidmilli #keithape #katie #khiphop #jimmypage #jaypark #hiphopplaya #Han #fleekybang #donmills #dok2 #blase #blacknut #cultureandtrends
35 years ago:
Vice Versa (US)
A mysterious oriental skull transforms a father into his son, and vice versa.
#ViceVersa #JudgeReinhold #FredSavage #CorinneBohrer #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#viceversa #judgereinhold #fredsavage #corinnebohrer #columbia #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
So, I found an original, un-cropped, color print of my #AmbassadorBridge through a #window #photo above.
Edit: I'm reblogging this since I missed #WindowFriday last week.
What y’all think? — #steeds
#Photography #Detroit to #Canada #ViceVersa #FensterFreitag #AltText
#alttext #fensterfreitag #viceversa #Canada #detroit #Photography #steeds #windowfriday #Photo #window #AmbassadorBridge
Le film animé du jour : #ViceVersa (Pere Docter & Ronnie Del Carmen, 2015)
Le summum actuel des studios Pixar et je mets au défi quiconque viendra me contredire là dessus. Ce voyage cérébral fusionne tout un éventail d’initiatives aussi intéressantes que brillantes pour inviter le public à mieux connaître les concepts liés aux émotions comme à la maturité. Puis que dire de ce savoir-faire impérial sur l’animation dont le film s’amuse sur le sens du détail à tout bout de champ. Mon Pixar préféré.
Vou fazer isso do "meus interesses", licença:
#bl #blthai #blkorean #bljapones #blchines #ohmnanon #firstkhao #milklove #badbuddy #notme #semanticerror #theeclipse #viceversa #tutontawan #biblebuild #kinnporsche #mannerofdeath #ofenderagmmtv #outrascoisasamaismaseunaolembrobomdia #sercadelademulheredehomemtailandes
Lembro mais nada real, bye
#bl #blthai #blkorean #bljapones #blchines #ohmnanon #firstkhao #milklove #badbuddy #notme #SemanticError #theeclipse #viceversa #tutontawan #Biblebuild #KinnPorsche #MannerOfDeath #ofenderagmmtv #outrascoisasamaismaseunaolembrobomdia #sercadelademulheredehomemtailandes
Convertitore USB-C → USB-A e viceversa (Kit da 2): solo 3€ - Melablog #convertitore #usb-c #usb-a #viceversa #melablog #4agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVsYWJsb2cuaXQvY29udmVydGl0b3JlLXVzYi1jLSVlMiU4NiU5Mi11c2ItYS1lLXZpY2V2ZXJzYS1raXQtZGEtMi1zb2xvLTNlLw==
#4agosto #melablog #viceversa #usb #convertitore
infrared sensor "switch matrix" from our installation #ViceVersa at Wasserspeicher Berlin Prenzlauer Berg anno 2007. The idea was that all the cables will be hidden inside this box, LOL. This is how messy it was behind the scenes ;)