Victorian government to provide hundreds of millions in support for workers leaving embattled logging industry
- The government will provide more than $200 million that will help transition workers out of the native timber industry
- Workers will be given opportunities to retrain for other sectors
- VicForests stopped harvesting in November last year after the Supreme Court ruled it had broken the law
I think timber is a great natural and renewable resource, but we should have changed over to 100% plantation timber many, many years ago. Why were they logging old growth forests? Mountain Ash is a great hardwood and grows extremely well in plantations. But, successive state governments have been propping-up this environmental vandalism. Enough is enough!
It's a good move to offer assistance to workers to retrain — preferably in related areas such as environmental management, bushfire management, habitat restoration, and programmes to help endangered species that have been threatened by the destruction of native forests.
#AusPol #VicPol #SpringSt #Logging #Environment #EndangeredSpecies #VicForests
#auspol #vicpol #springst #logging #environment #endangeredspecies #vicforests
@crn114 good presentation from Gail (Wombat Forestcare) on the ghastly massacre "salvage logging" that #VicForests are doing there. Babbington Hill, a rare volcanic soil patch in Wombat, with rare flora and fungi, appears to have been substantially trashed. Not mentioned in that particular talk, but our ecocidal Premier apparently overruled the environment department to set the loggers loose there.
Food highlights were cooking demos and shiitake floss. And super expensive (yummy) mushroom tacos. I found the bakery over the road also does excellent pies.
#Andrews government doing its best to destroy old growth forest while it thinks it can get away with it.
Andrews: we have “the largest environmental protection policy in the state’s history."
Your legacy is measured in actions, not verbiage, jackass.
#Victoria #environment #ForestDestruction #VicForests
#andrews #victoria #environment #forestdestruction #vicforests
Why did delay releasing the report till Oct 22? So much majestic glider forest was (illegally) clearfelled with #DELWP knowledge... and taxpayers paid #Vicforests to do this!! ... putting rare endangered species at further risk, for what? For who? Who's making th $$?
Time to defund the loss-making #vicforests and end the destruction of native habitats #auspol