Working on a poor mans reverse geocoder fo that is based on a geonames dump.
Will be slightly inaccurate since it calculates nearness to Points iso checking if a location is inside a Polyline geometry. Uses much less resources than Nominatim though.
#vici_org #geocoding #geonames #nominatim
Wikidata is great, but not the panacea for linking data. While aligning ancient sites at with wikidata, some semantic drift had to be accepted.
For example, is FAESULAE ( just the latin name for modern day Fiesole (Q82670), it it an ancient city (which I prefer, but this is not in wikidata) or is it an archaelogical site (Q3019577 - which I eventually selected)?
#wikidata #linkeddata #vici_org #ontology
Fixed a bug in that would occasionally prevent the image gallery viewer from being displayed. #vici_org