#IBAC Is saying that investigating #police is directly tied to resourcing issues. At the same time, IBAC says that if they do more police complaints, they can't do as much political corruption.
Can't walk and chew gum.
IBACs culture of secrecy and confidentiality is harmful to people complaining. And they are not interested in doing police complaints.
A dedicated #PoliceOmbudsman is the only way to make a system that is truly victim centred and can keep police power accountable.
#IBAC #police #policeombudsman #auspol #vicpolwatch #springst
I'm ilo. I work in #PoliceAccountability in #Naarm #Australia.
Never really have been a fan of social media, so will mostly boost and find interesting people to follow.
I'm into
And many others
#introduction #policeaccountability #naarm #australia #Copwatching #auspol #vicpol #vicpolwatch #abolition #racialjustice