SLCWđŸ’„ · @slcw
385 followers · 4069 posts · Server

Another schmuck who craves . I've seen a lot of people who drive around in unnecessarily lifted trucks with shitty flags mounted on them, and without exception they are all . Every. Single. One. This one is taking a stand by relegating himself to . How brave of him. I'm sure this intellectual powerhouse will be scientist in no time!

#MAGA #victimhood #rightwing #douchebags #Homeschooling #MAGAcult #republicanidiocy

Last updated 1 year ago

TeamRose · @SusannaShakespeare
361 followers · 6895 posts · Server

This statement caught a thought that’s been rolling around in the ‘ole noggin

đŸ€Ąrumps embrace of his own victimhood.

“The American mythos has never been one of .
It’s about taking risks, venturing into the unknown, and building a new life.”

- “Andrew”, letter in the Atlantic


Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
841 followers · 37368 posts · Server
Mike Christensen · @IncredulousMike
5 followers · 66 posts · Server

Sorry Donald, it wasn't the that broke the law. That was you. Also, aren't you supposed to be a ? Whine more about how much things cost.

#posturing #victimhood #billionaire #democrats

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
69 followers · 1031 posts · Server

A quotation from Shain, Merle:

The conflict between what one is and who one is expected to be touches all of us. And sometimes, rather than reach for what one could be, we choose the comfort of the failed role, preferring to be the victim of circumstance, the person who didn’t have a chance.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:


#quote #quotes #quotation #comfort #expectations #failure #irresponsibility #self #victimhood

Last updated 1 year ago

Rohit · @ro
3 followers · 26 posts · Server

Living with is worse than being a . You can potentially move on from an unfortunate event, but not from victimhood.

Victimhood will keep on dragging you into the same miserable state that an unfortunate event can't. An event has a beginning and an end, but the conditioning of victimhood is perpetual.

It's similar to the saying that is inevitable, but suffering is a choice. In other words, pain is temporary, but is perpetual.

#victimhood #victim #mental #pain #suffering #thought

Last updated 1 year ago

· @jackLondon
281 followers · 4482 posts · Server

@djl @wood5y @Lassielmr

That sounds like to me - come on! is geographically coherent, the population are educated and is run by pro-independence parties - and has been for some time.

If you cannot convince even a bare majority (& you need a bit more than that) to vote for independence it means you have not made the case

#victimhood #scotland #Holyrood

Last updated 1 year ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
19 followers · 86 posts · Server

There’s really no difference between the pedestal () and the it’s all your fault POS status (). While one feels better than the other, both are equally meaningless. They’re just different versions of the same . The carrot and the stick are one and the same to the .

Meaning, both conditions can’t simultaneously be true. You can’t be the most amazing, special-est man/woman ever and the most horrible person ever. Especially when a , or partner vacillates between the two extremes multiple times within the same hour.

But which one is true? Again, neither.

So many clients are easily manipulated by the mercurial opinion of their , or partner. It's the reason they walk on eggshells. -ed people don’t have a cohesive, stable sense of themselves (i.e., ). Hence their rage and perceived at the smallest and/or imaginary slight or criticism. As such, their construct of other people – including you -- is similarly unstable.

“You bought me a new car!!! Yay!!! I love you!!! Thank you, daddy!!!! Best daddy ever!!!!!”

“You won’t let me have a third cookie!!!! Mean mommy!!! I hate you!!!!!”

Therefore, any approval from a BPD, HPD or NPD person is meaningless if it can change on a dime. This becomes a manipulation tactic once they figure out the power they can wield by alternating withholding love or blowing smoke up your butt (i.e., variable ratio reinforcement schedule).

It’s all the same to them.

In my experience, these individuals enjoy being cruel more and resent having to love bomb or . The overt cruelty is more enjoyable because of the contempt they feel for you for tolerating their abuse. I also suspect it makes them feel more powerful when their victim grovels for love. Contemptuous and powerful.

Furthermore, healthy adults don't change their opinion of you just because they occasionally feel irritated, hurt or disappointed by you. In fact, healthy adults can still love and respect their partner even when they’re super angry with them. And can do so without engaging in wanton cruelty or childish nonsense. Imagine that!

If you're still trying to make it work with a disordered partner because you don't think you can live without their approval, please understand that for which you’re tolerating abuse IS NOT REAL. It’s your codependency and need for external validation from someone who'll never be capable of giving it to you that's real. They'll continue to exploit your vulnerabilities and abuse you for as long as you're willing to suffer it and them.

#lovebombing #idealization #devaluation #manipulation #codependent #peoplepleaser #borderline #narcissist #histrionic #bpd #npd #hpd #clusterb #personalitydisorder #construct #victimhood #hoover #abusehasnogender #themoreyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle · @dustcircle
2 followers · 74 posts · Server
dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
168 followers · 4833 posts · Server

In The Psychology of (2005), Ofer Zur wrote:

"In claiming the status of victim and assigning all the blame to others, a person can achieve moral superiority while simultaneously disowning any responsibility for his or her behaviour 
 The victim status is a powerful one. The victim is always morally right, neither responsible nor accountable, and forever entitled to sympathy."


Last updated 2 years ago

Wonkette Headline Bot · @wonkette_bot
741 followers · 1244 posts · Server
Edward Champion · @edwardchampion
627 followers · 870 posts · Server

And one really shouldn't be surprised to see Bethany Mandel declare herself a "victim" on Twitter. If you read her tweets slowly, you can even hear the telltale saccharine strings just underneath her attention-seeking nonsense.

This is right out of the conservative playbook:

"I don't actually have an argument other than random hate and cannot define a basic term. Therefore, I have been needlessly excoriated by the "cruelty" of intellectual debate. I refuse to accept responsibility for my own stupidity Please feel sorry for me."

Well, excuse me while I pull out the world's smallest violin. If you cannot argue or defend your points, you have no business making media appearances.

#bethanymandel #conservatives #victimhood

Last updated 2 years ago

· @jackLondon
237 followers · 2924 posts · Server

Asylum plan 'very concerning' - would break international law - refugee agency

This is of course what wants - to double down on & ensure all vote Tory

Having dumped on with the exception of , the young - as well as more traditional enemies like the poor & vulnerable they are looking to deluded & even for support

will lobby to leave the UN next

#UN #Sunak #nativist #victimhood #littleEnglanders #business #DisasterCapitalists #ToriesOut #nostalgists #racists #braverman

Last updated 2 years ago

Toni Aittoniemi · @gimulnautti
192 followers · 2350 posts · Server

The thing with psychopathic, narcissitic cult leaders is that very often they evoke their followers being ”victims of the outside world” to legitimate their own absolute leadership over them.

Coincidentally, this is exactly how Russian leadership is behaving.

Coincidence? 😾

#psychopathy #narcissim #absolute #leadership #russia #victimhood #complex

Last updated 2 years ago

Talvi · @Hellawyn
437 followers · 12 posts · Server

Plenty of boring ways to explain my research topic & why it motivates me to get out of bed every morning. Here’s a more interesting way though, thanks to Tami Amanda Jacoby (2015): “the construction of grievance-based identity is a fundamentally contested process as the lines between victim and perpetrator are blurred by ongoing cycles of belligerence and retribution”.

Now you know. đŸ”„âœš

#victimhood #nationalism #research #collectiveidentity #internationalrelations #history #interdisciplinary

Last updated 2 years ago

Stop the GQP & Fox News · @stopgopfox
8905 followers · 2831 posts · Server

Can you imagine wanting to be a victim so badly that you're jealous of mass shooting victims? Tucker Carlson and the right can't help but try to steal the spotlight -- and victim label -- from those taken by gun violence.

#guncontrolnow #gunviolence #gunreformnow #politics #uspolitics #maga #tuckercarlson #foxnews #fauxnews #foxnewslies #massshooting #shooting #guns #2a #tweet #katabu #twitter #gop #GQP #republicans #Republican #victimhood #victim

Last updated 2 years ago

Jef Allbright · @jef
57 followers · 275 posts · Server

Greatly enjoying my timeline with its mix of followed hashtags and persons!

Nothing pushed out by a platform trying to promote its own goals. 😀

Most days I discover someone or something else to follow, adding and/or to the feed.

Some days I improve the ongoing by muting those that emit , , , , or blatant .

It's a process almost opposite that of a like .

#chatgpt #llm #stochasticparrot #selfpromotion #victimhood #stupidity #namecalling #hate #quality #diversity #depth #selfinterested #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

sotirisrex · @sotirisrex
31 followers · 1570 posts · Server

is not a virtue, and if you cash in on it, you are embarrassing yourself


Last updated 2 years ago