@hollybrigstocke OFC not.
#WhiteCollarCrime is prosecuted far less - if at all - than #VictimlessCrimes like "illegal entry" "overstaying on visa" or drug offenses...
#victimlesscrimes #whitecollarcrime
@JustinLachance I'd agree on your point of "banning things is facism" if this is being applied to everything that isn't a crime with actual victims.
IMHO all #VictimlessCrimes mist be abolished.
Banning GAFAMs for Espionage is as legitimate as sanctioning a North Korean Front used to launder money or going after "P.R." China's "Overseas Police" which is basically a network of foreign agents conspiring in everything from embezzlement and blackmailing to bamb threats and forced disappearances...
#InconvenientTruth: We live in the post-#Luty & post-#FGC9 era.
At this point banning #firearms and doing #prohibition is as foolish as trying to ban #alcohol, #tobacco, #drugs of all kind and #sexwork.
All #VictimlessCrimes need to be canceled from the books and all victims of these need to be rehabilitated and reparated in compensation.
After all the proliferation does not coincide with more violence, thus people, not guns, are the problem!
#victimlesscrimes #sexwork #drugs #tobacco #alcohol #prohibition #firearms #fgc9 #luty #inconvenienttruth
At this point, Gun Legislation is kinda unenforceable.
People like myself only follow the laws out of principle, not because they're good or enforceable!
IOW: It would be hard to impossible for me to advocate to repeal and cancel all #VictimlessCrimes from the books if I were to be convicted.
So consider any claims in past, present and future as pure smear campaigns if not copaganda!
Cuz I'm not doing shit and will forever deny them this win!
@the @cpoliticditto Yeah, sadly #Germany has yet to #decriminalize #VictimlessCrimes the same way...
Personally, I just prefer chilling sober but that's my decision.
If it wasn't illegal, I'd gladly accompany people on their trips so that in case it doesn't go as nice as they thought, someone is able and willing to intervene and do the little things that make it better...
Even if that means handing them a pillow and blanket or a glass of water...
#victimlesscrimes #decriminalize #Germany
@VeryBadLlama net thing you gonna demand your votes to actually count and corporate donors to be shunned upon...
#sarcasm aside, all #VictimlessCrimes including #DrugProhibitions must not only be canceled but all past convictions be annuled and people rehabilitated and paid reparations for the opression if not incarceration suffered...
#drugprohibitions #victimlesscrimes #sarcasm
@Mooneye14 @juddlegum That and other "federal crimes" like "[attempted] arson" and #victimlessCrimes like "drug possession/trade/importation/consumption"...
@astrid shit's still not legal in my juristiction tho and #VictimlessCrimes are still in the books!
@GreenFire maybe one needs to redefine what is "#NatSec" and stop pursuing #MassIncarceration for #VictimlessCrimes and end sPoliceMilitarization including the #WarOnDrugs...
#warondrugs #victimlesscrimes #massincarceration #natsec
@mia IMHO all #VictimlessCrimes need to be #abolished and all convictions be erased and all those serving time for those be freed and paid reparations.
Because controlled emission via licensed stores/pharmacies is literally harm reduction.
All of this just because #VictimlessCrimes like #DrugPossession, #DrugTrafficking and #DrugTrade are on the books...
There is no rational reason why #alcohol or #tobacco are legal yet #cannabis and #heroin ain't.
It's just done to #criminalize marginalized people.
#criminalize #heroin #cannabis #tobacco #alcohol #drugtrade #drugtrafficking #drugpossession #victimlesscrimes
@thatguyoverthere @Hyolobrika EXACTLY THAT IS THE PROBLEM!
IMHO the #criminalization of #VictimlessCrimes is the major issue, and the fact that #LackOfAccountability & #LackOfConsequences mostly benefits reactionary agressors more.
Like: People get denied permits for having seeked mental healthcare BUT a neonazi illegally owning a submachine gun got fined AND explicitly not have that recorded so that they won't get red-flagged for any permit application in the future is just bad.
#lackofconsequences #lackofaccountability #victimlesscrimes #criminalization
@Aknorals Jailing #AsylumSeekers is peak #criminalization of #VictimlessCrimes and basically denial of their #HumanRights to freedom unless charged.
It's a blatant disregard of Human Rights and aims at criminalization of those seeking shelter.
#HumanRights #victimlesscrimes #criminalization #asylumseekers
@dwnews_bot let's also hope #Germany will get #SelfID #legislation going and end all #criminalization of #VictimlessCrimes sooner than later...
#victimlesscrimes #criminalization #legislation #selfid #Germany
@ariaflame no.
I'm just against #prohibition of any kind when it comes to #VictimlessCrimes - like gun possession.
#victimlesscrimes #prohibition
@emilygorcenski @TenaciousUnicornRanch
IMHO all #VictimlessCrimes belong abolished - regardless of #alcohol, #weed, #drugs, #guns or #sexwork.
Cuz all these will be used as a means to do facism and opress people.
I.e. anti-SW legislation has and continues to be weaponized against LGBTQI* people...
#sexwork #guns #drugs #Weed #alcohol #victimlesscrimes
@jackLondon @DaemonFC Throwing people ubder the bus for #VictimlessCrimes is inherently bad and will neither help the individuals affected nor achieve the goal of having things policed into orderly confines.
Just like retail selling alcohol and tobacco not only are responsible for enforcing minimum age limits but also accountable and subject to heavy fines and license revocation if caught violating the laws.
No bona-fide business takes that risk.
I agree with your wider point - but the term #VictimlessCrimes I do not accept - for two reasons
If legalised they would no longer be crimes
Whether legal or illegal there are undoubtedly victims of the consumption of narcotics - both among those consumers themselves, and their family & those around them and in wider society. Which is not to say all such consumption always has victims - I am not that judgemental
@jackLondon @DaemonFC They are #VictimlessCrimes in the sense that possession and partaking itself isn't a problem.
Which doesn't mean there ain't issues OFC, but #criminalization won't make accessing help for #addicts easier...
Only in a #legal market can #protections and #regulations be enforced:
Like not putting anti-freeze into wine to make it taste better...
#Portugal does move in the right direction because their #HarmReduction aims at providing low-barriert support structures.
#harmreduction #portugal #Regulations #protections #legal #addicts #criminalization #victimlesscrimes
Not sure any vice (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, prostitution & c) can really be termed #VictimlessCrimes
There are definitely victims suffering as a result of all of these activities
The question is - are there more victims when made illegal or not?
In the States they settled that for alcohol in the 1920s
#Portugal has an interesting approach to narcotics