Alleged crime untold
Victim, charges, questions, blame
Matt's life, a bruised story
Unclear future? #Araiza #sexualassault #BuffaloBills #CNN #victimsrights
#araiza #sexualassault #buffalobills #cnn #victimsrights #cinquain #poetry
#araiza #sexualassault #buffalobills #cnn #victimsrights #cinquain #poetry
Careful, scared, unheard
A fear that lingers still
Demanding justice fair
#victimsrights #dianeclarke #justice #domesticviolence #cinquain #poetry
#victimsrights #dianeclarke #justice #domesticviolence #cinquain #poetry
The whole “victims rights” thing makes me very uncomfortable. The power to lawfully deprive someone of their liberty or life belongs to society as a whole, not to any individual. Crime victims should get support from the community, but not state-sponsored revenge.
#Arizona #DeathPenalty #CapitalPunishment #VictimsRights #Justice
#arizona #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #victimsrights #justice
Brooke Jenkins and Pamela Price said they would fight for victims. Only one of them thinks victims of police count | San Francisco Chronicle
#policeviolence #victimsrights #policing
Good morning! My handle is SoberHawk because I have a Mohawk that used to be purple. I’m #DrinkMoreWater on the bird app. I’ve been #Sober for 2 years and am part of #RecoveryPosse I’m an advocate for #VictimsRights #WomensRights #ReproductiveRights and I work for a Non Profit emergency DV & SA shelter. I’m here for friendship, to offer and receive support, a little humor and to pass the time.
#drinkmorewater #sober #recoveryposse #victimsrights #womensrights #reproductiverights
Goodbye 2022, hello 2023.
A fresh start to reboot efforts to promote & protect fundamental #HumanRights.
We’ll continue to support the EU & Member States offering evidence-based advice on #EUAntiRacism, #VictimsRights & so much more…
Watch this space.
🎈 Happy New Year 🎉
#humanrights #EUAntiRacism #victimsrights
#ASP21: 🚨New Joint Statement on #legalaid, #labour protections & #victimsrights by teams who acted on behalf of/represented 14,365 participating victims in Lubanga, Katanga & Ngudjolo, Bemba, Ruto & Sang, Ongwen, Al Hassan, Yekatom & Ngaïssona, & Abd-Al-Rahmanon #ICC cases
#icc #victimsrights #labour #legalaid #asp21
I’m co-organizing the New York State Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse Joint Conference in May 2023. We’re accepting abstract submissions thru Dec 15! If you work in #childprotection, #childsafety, #sexualabuse #prevention, #childtrafficking #prevention, #research, or #victimsrights and #mentalhealth, consider submitting your work to our conference. We’d love to hear from you!
#mentalhealth #victimsrights #research #childtrafficking #prevention #sexualabuse #childsafety #childprotection
I’m co-organizing the New York State Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse/Alliance for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse Joint Conference in May 2023. We’re accepting abstract submissions thru Dec 15! If you work in #childprotection, #childsafety, #sexualabuse #prevention, #childtrafficking #prevention, #research, or #victimsrights and #mentalhealth, consider submitting your work to our conference. We’d love to hear from you!
#mentalhealth #victimsrights #research #childtrafficking #prevention #sexualabuse #childsafety #childprotection
This #16Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women please show solidarity by signing this petition to keep rapist murderer Barrie John Watts in prison
Please also sign my #lawreform petition to call for life sentencing with no parole for rapist murderers (see link in bio)
#SignForSian #LifeMeansLife #LifeForRapistMurderers #VictimsRights #EndViolenceAgainstWomen
#16days #lawreform #signforsian #lifemeanslife #lifeforrapistmurderers #victimsrights #endviolenceagainstwomen
I'm voting 'bout:
#MedicareforAll 💯
and everything else we been talking about for DECADES...
#jaded but gonna vote anyway because it's my right as a woman.
So, if it all turns to absolute shyte in the near future...
I know who I'll be voting for next election (2020)
#smod #sweetmeteorofdeath #jaded #workingpoor #homelessness #guncontrol #costofliving #studentdebt #infrastructure #waterislife #curesnotwars #legalizeit #MedicareForAll #disabledrights #victimsrights #lgbtqrights #womensrights #HumanRights